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Fake Faces

Although Jez never pursued a career as a lookalike himself it gave Jez the idea to start Fake Faces Ltd which he did in 2003 operating from a dial up connection in his bedroom!
Since that day Jez has built up Fake Faces Ltd and now operates his business from a modern barn conversion in South Yorkshire which houses all his latest technology so he can keep in constant touch with his lookalikes and clients.
Jez employs his staff locally as he believes that employing local people gives them freedom to work flexibly which brings out the best in his staff.
Fake Faces Ltd is equally a happy sending lookalikes abroad as they are sending them within the UK. They have won business awards for exporting their goods (lookalikes) to places such as Malta, India, Hong Kong, Japan, to name a few.
With a strong team and a website equipped to give their customers what they want in an instant Fake Faces Ltd are here ready to assist you with your lookalike requirements.
Lookalikes are increasing popular in today's world of celebrity obsession. There are many lookalikes in the UK and all over the world and more and more people are joining lookalike agencies to find work as a celebrity double. Probably one of the most popular categories of lookalikes is James Bond lookalikes as they are used for parties and events based on James Bond themes.
Fake Faces Ltd. has many lookalike categories on their lookalike website and these are based on popular categories which people can relate to. One increasingly popular category of lookalikes is Political lookalikes as they are becoming bigger celebrities in the real world and are instantly recognisable that the media are using their image to promote products and make headline news. We only need to look at the popularity of Tony Blair in the media to see how the Tony Blair lookalike can be used for advertising purposes by advertising agencies and PR Companies. Even now Tony is no longer the Prime Minister his image is so well known that a Tony Blair lookalike will be in demand for many years to come.
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