40th/50th /60th Birthday Ideas

Why not give your loved one a special birthday to remember for years to come and here is a taster of what was on offer at this particular one:?

This particular party was all arranged to ensure that guests never knew quite what was coming next:

Just sixty minutes from London, Aynhoe Park offers a luxurious private home and embodies pure British eccentricity from top to toe. For Friday night, guests were treated to a sumptuous dinner and comic delights.

When you hire Aynhoe Park, it essentially becomes your home. You can do as you please and there are fantastic events staff on hand to cater to your needs. It really is an incredible place. Acts were provided to be immersive, with no obvious staging required. Saturday night was the big party day and guests could move freely from room to room, never knowing what they were about to encounter. With no announcements necessary, the evening flowed beautifully and it was a fantastic idea to enhance the event.

The pop-up nature of the evening began with a superb pianist, who performed on the vintage piano as partygoers took in the experience; drinking their cocktails, sampling the canapés on display and marvelling at the Aynhoe Park experience and quirky nature of the event!

In a different area of Aynhoe Park; A Capella singing combined with a beatboxer more than delivered and really got the party started. Guests were whooping and cheering throughout, even calling out for an encore, which was duly respected!

And for a finale, what better act than the illuminating lights of a fire show. Performing in the orangery with the audience surrounding them, they managed to create a club-inspired atmosphere that was perfect to lead into the DJ who played across two different zones – his first set was commercial pop and dance floor fillers, before moving onto deep house music until 4am!

Christening party ideas

The christening or baptism of a baby or child stems from the Christian religious practise of immersing oneself in water to wash away sins (The Greek word ‘baptizo’ literally means to immerse, plunge, dip, or bury in water) and in later years the ceremony became associated with the taking of a name to symbolize new life.

Adults may choose to be baptised later in life but whatever the age of the participant, the naming ceremony whether religious or otherwise is usually followed by a family celebration.

Why not make it musical?

Regardless of the size of your christening or naming-ceremony, musical accompaniment will both enhance the atmosphere and entertain your guests throughout the day.

Classical music such as string quartets, harpists or solo singers are popular choices for the ceremony, with jazz bands, soul bands and pianists proving good choices for the drinks reception afterwards.

Many Christenings now also run on into the night with a party function band or DJ.

If you will have a good number of children attending, then it pays to hire children’s entertainers to keep them occupied. Check out Red Masque’s directory of great children’s entertainers, magicians & street entertainers. Also think about face painting & fancy dress costumes which are always a great way to keep them entertained.

Would you like to be waited on?

If you want to hire some good staff for your special event or function, don’t forget to hire some great waiting staff. We have the best waiter/waitresses advertised with Red Masque directory which are all very professional and all have a great attitude.

Good waiting staff make it look easy whilst all your guests are enjoying themselves the champagne keeps flowing. Finger food is always available and most importantly at the end of your event everything is clean and tidy for you.

Hired Cocktail bartenders are also a must to have at any function. Charming, dressed to impress, whichever way you would like your bartender to be we think we have just about every cocktail bartender advertised on our Red Masque directory.

Canapé girls can be used for Adult themed evenings, family entertainment and children’s parties so they are not stereo typed to just one event. There colourful costumes and special props means they will adapt to any event very well.

Party butlers are probably for the ladies where they could be serving champagne naked from the waist up or leaving little to the imagination wearing just an apron for modesty. Now that ladies would be a great addition to a Hen party!!

Party butlers can be hired also for very grand corporate affairs where professionalism will be shown at all times, it’s just up to you what sort of butler you require.

But what is you wanted some promotional staff and you have a launch party to organise. You could have a gym opening and you could hire a team of fitness coaches are motivating your guests. Or how about a fashion show where a team of catwalk models could be just the thing to make your evening a success!!

There are a whole host of staff that you could hire for your event, that will make any event you had in mind run smoothly and add a bit of class, to really make you relax and enjoy the event that you have organised.

Dance the night away!

Dancers are very entertaining, and if you had an event that demanded some dancers then why not consider hiring some great dancers from Red Masque corporate event entertainment directory.

A Dance Group could be hired to dance in sync where the chorography would be done to perfection, it could be any style of dance that your taste desires from Street Dance to River Dance, Male to Female Dancers. We think we have just about all Dance groups covered advertised within our Red Masque entertainment directory.

If you having a launch party that would require some eye candy of the female variety? If so, why don’t you hire some Podium dancers, a risqué burlesque dancer or some showgirls that would be quite a classy type of Le Lido but here in the UK.

These girls are professional, classy and have trained for hours to put on the perfect show for you.

You will be dazzled by the splendid costumes which will be worn by the Showgirls and Podium Dancers even though they’re maybe little of them!!! The burlesque will titillate and tease but done in the best possible taste!!

Salsa and Tango dancers are very now, most people want to learn the art of these sexy, sensual dances. You could hire dancers to teach. Or if you are quite familiar of these dances you could simply hire to put on a quite splendid show that would be breath-taking and remarkable, leaving you wishing you were indeed as talented as these dancers.

Snake and Belly dancers of course seem to go hand in hand, these amazing creatures – love them or hate them have something mesmerising about them that you cannot fail to be intrigued to watch or even (if you dare) handle them.

Belly dancers have been around for centuries and it’s also a great way to keep fit. If you ever wanted to master the art of Belly Dancing, then why not hire a Belly Dancer to teach you. You will have great fun, and if your tummy is not your most favourite part of your body – well rest assured a rounded belly is considered sexy in some parts of the world!!

Or, if you wanted some themed dance acts for your special event, then why not look on our gallery of special dance acts that will enlighten your guests and create that nostalgia needed for your themed evening.

They will be dressed in the most appropriate costumes and do all the dance moves from that era it will be truly like stepping back in time and feeling the past again.

Have a look on our directory to see which dance act you could hire for your next party!!

How to get the word out

Once you have all your event details set, you need to get the word out to potential attendees through various channels:

Email – A great place to start is your own list of email subscribers. Because they’re already engaged and invested in your brand, they may have a higher likelihood to attend an event you have. Send an event invitation via email far enough in advance that your subscribers can plan it into their calendars. Make sure you include all the necessary information in your email. If you’re hosting an event, include the full address of the venue, parking information, etc. If you’re inviting people to a demo, or new service, include full log in or sign up details. Also include a link back to your website, and contact info such as a phone number or email address for your business so someone can call with questions if need be. Always include a call to action to register or sign up to attend the event.

Plan to send a few email invitations and reminders as you get closer to your event. You can offer early bird discount pricing, or offer different level of tickets and benefits to in still a sense of urgency.

Mail Invitations – In the digital age we live in, some may pooh-pooh the notion of sending invitations by mail, but invitations are very effective to get the word out. If you use compelling imagery and messaging, your recipient has a good chance of reading it. Invitations also serve as easy reminders because they can be placed on a desk or fridge as a visual cue of the event.

Social – In addition to inviting potential attendees via email and postal invitations, you can also invite guests via Facebook by creating an event. It’s a great way to invite people that you don’t have email addresses for.

Make sure you cover your other social bases by sharing details and a link to register on your other social channels like Twitter and LinkedIn. Create a hashtag for your event and use it every time you share details about your event on any social network. Just be sure you research any hashtag prior to using it to ensure it isn’t being used for something else you might not want.

How about a Ronald Dahl themed party?

Many private parties and corporate events love theming parties around two staples in particular – a Midsummer Night’s dream and Alice in Wonderlands (Madhatters tea party). But with many other books available. We’re looking into the wonderful world of Roald Dahl party ideas.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

What a wonderful party this would be! There is no doubt a brilliant opportunity for caterers to get imaginative and conjure up all sorts of delicious treats for guests it also presents a brilliant theme for entertainment as well. Why not hire dancers to be oompa loompas and you could also hire a magical act to truly make you feel as though you’ve stepped into Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.


The Natural History Museum’s Hinze Hall would be a wonderful setting for a Roald Dahl themed party, certainly a large enough room for some of the magic that will undoubtedly take place as a Matilda event reaches its peak. A graffiti artist would be a wonderful addition (referencing the chalk-on-blackboard scene) whilst magicians would be an obvious addition to the occasion. Illusions on the stairs amongst Dippy the Dinosaur will surely be a must see! Just make sure you avoid Miss Trunchbull, the scariest of all costumed characters!!


Imagine attending a party where everything is giant-sized! That’d certainly make Roald Dahl party games more fun! From the chairs made out of cotton reels to a scone the size of a table, this is sure to be a 2016 party theme to celebrate the release of the Steven Spielberg film! Wouldn’t that be fun? Giant pencils and mugs can function as theming props whilst the BFG himself can lurk outside a window. But what of the entertainment? With some sneaky production, it’d be possible to magnify the image of a band or circus act so that giants are really performing at your event!

James and the Giant Peach

Ok, perhaps not a real peach but for a James and the Giant Peach party, we think repurposing a circular venue such as the Royal Albert Hall, the London Planetarium or the Round House will be perfect. After that, we can then work on the entertainment. If it’s fruit-themed ideas you’re after, what about hiring a cocktail waiter that can shake up some alcoholic or non-alcoholic fruit cocktails?

The Twits

As any fan of The Twits will tell you, there are a number of moments in the story that stick out to a reader, not least the finale where The Twits believe they’re upside down. As such, how about sticking everything to the ceiling of your venue and having an ‘upside down’ party? With bird pie on the menu (or not, as the case may be), various practical jokes provided by top comedians and magicians and a few costumed characters to play the titular characters, there is more than enough here to create a brilliant (albeit highly expensive and unsafe) event. But hey, The Twits themselves would probably enjoy it!

5 basic planning rules

Hiring entertainment for your event can seem like a struggle but it doesn’t have to be. It’s natural to stress over all aspects of an event but if you follow these five basic event planning rules, you’ll be a brilliant event planner in no time! So whether it’s your first time booking entertainment for an event or you’re an old hand, here are a few tips that it’s always worth remembering.

Make a List of Entertainment Ideas

Always make a list of the entertainment ideas you have in mind for your party or event so that you don’t get side-tracked when looking at our gallery! There are a lot of superb entertainment acts out there but not all of them will be suitable for your special event. As such, it’s best for event planners make a list of the sort of thing you’re looking for even if you have quite a broad spectrum of what it is you’re after.

Know the Trends

One of the most important things about being an event planner is that you need to know what is available on the market. After making your list of entertainment ideas, it’s now time to look out for any other acts the people seem to be excited about and consider the date as well. October? Then Halloween themed entertainment may be nice. December? Of course that’s Christmas! Like any industry, events go through trends and it’s important to be on the ball to ensure that you’re getting what you pay for in terms of the latest exciting entertainment act.

Budget Wisely

Decide on a budget far in advance of when you sit down to allocate the funds to each part of your event or wedding. Entertainment can be pricey, as can each part of event planning, but shrewd event planners are the ones who do not waver from their initial costings and ensure that they are getting a good deal. Musicians in particular vary widely in price but rest assured we only work with the very best acts who have passed our auditions process.

Give Yourself Some Time

People like to plan early so don’t leave it until the last minute before booking the entertainment for your event. Some of the most popular acts like Motown Supreme are already being requested by event planners for weddings late in 2016, so don’t delay if there’s a piece of entertainment you just have to have! It’s better to book sooner rather than later as this also gives time to deal with any possible song requests or dealing with venue difficulties like sound limiters.

Think About Everything Else

Well, once you’ve booked a great act for your party it’s time to focus on other things. Event planning is all about juggling tasks and assigning time to each of them. Once your entertainment is booked, start thinking about how to improve your venue by picking a nice theme. Then onto the catering and flowers. It feels like it’s never ending but it doesn’t have to be. So book your event entertainment early and then allow yourself some time to think about everything else

7 Main Magic Tricks

Did you know that there are only 7 different types of magic tricks? That’s not to say that you will only ever seen 7 party magic tricks in your life and that all of the others are the same, but like film genres, there are widely acknowledged to only be 7 categories that magic tricks will fit into, though naturally there will be some crossover (and a few people disputing this belief).

Below, we’ve compiled the 7 types of magic tricks explained them a little. Magic!


As you might expect, this is the art of making something disappear. A popular close-up magic trick will normally use a coin or a card, whilst David Copperfield went so far as to make the Statue of Liberty apparently disappear. (We say apparently because last time we checked, it’s still there…)


One could argue that this is how the Statue of Liberty returned! That wasn’t televised. Often seen when a event magician creates cards from nowhere or perhaps with doves and candles, as seen in this mesmerising Lance Burton magic trick. Wow.


Be it a matchstick, a car or even yourself, audiences around the world have been mystified by various objects defying gravity for years, dating all the way back to the Indian Rope trick. Later versions include David Copperfield’s ‘Flying’ and of course, the street levitation that made David Blaine famous.

Penetration (oi!)

Stop blushing. You have no need to blush! You at the back. Focus. Come on now. The penetration is a classic that we’ve all seen before. A pen passes through a playing card or a coin passes through an iPad. Frankly, they’re all mystifying and deserving of an audience. In this clip, ‘magician’s magician’ Eugene Burger passes a cigarette through a card, somehow leaving the card intact once the magic trick is done. Huh


“If you’d just like to check your back pocket, sir…” The transportation is a staple of card top magicians worldwide, managing to shoehorn the 8 of Hearts into anything from a pair of trousers to a lemon, or even a sealed tin of spaghetti. This type of magic trick was the main thinking behind top film, The Prestige featuring Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale, where the main characters were transporting themselves. Impressive stuff. (Again though, David Copperfield did it years ago…)

Mind Reading

The incredible abilities that made Derren Brown and Uri Geller famous, mind reading, is a tremendously impressive feat of psychological showmanship. To his credit, Derren Brown admits this. Uri Geller though, passes it off as gospel. Often seen at live magic shows, it’s sure to impress. How did they know?


Whether it’s your bank note, a card or even your ludicrously expensive watch, magicians love to tear or smash up your property before returning it to you a few minutes later completely unharmed (in theory…) Strangely they call this entertainment. As long as it doesn’t go wrong, it’s great.

If you’re looking for a magician for your event, feel free to get in touch using the information below.

Bonfire Night Event ideas

The 5th November! Bonfire Night is the perfect time for wrapping up warm and getting together with friends. You may be going to one of the many firework displays across the country or planning a party at home. Here are a few ideas for hosting your Bonfire Night party outside

Wrap up warm with lots of layers and have plenty of extra gloves and scarves handy. If you are hosting the party at home, provide blankets for guests to spread across their knees if they are gathered outside around a bonfire.  Hand warmers in Knitted covers for coat pockets will be very welcome too – they’d work well too as a party favour for each of your guests.

As well as the focal point of the bonfire – complete with the Guy on top – delineate the party area with strings of outdoor lights, garden torches and lantern bags, so that people can easily see where they are going. If little ones will be in attendance, then LED candles or tealights are safe alternatives to normal candles. Torches and head torches will come in handy if you’re letting off fireworks. If you have a few tables and chairs in the heart of the action, light them using tealights; you can have lots of fun making homemade tealight holders with everyday household objects.

Keep guests insulated from the inside out, with flasks of hot drinks and tasty, comforting food. Bonfire Night is high time for a hot spiced cider punch, or simply a full-bodied red wine from bottles warmed by the fire.  Serve drinks in plastic glasses to avoid breakages.

When catering for a crowd, go for something easy to make ahead and in one pot. A bowl of rich, spicy chilli con carne with sour cream, cheese, guacamole, salsa and tortilla chips is easy to hold and eat with just a spoon or fork. Set up a buffet serving table inside, not far from the kitchen, so that people can help themselves. Another idea could be fish and chips in boxes or chips in cones with little forks. For something sweet you could make some homemade popcorn, serving from this adorable stall

As well as the all-important fireworks display and bonfire, have a few activities ready to keep everyone warm. Packets of sparklers are essential, and glow sticks and glow necklaces are also fun to distribute.  There’s little doubt that childhood favourites are still popular, so why not set up a sweetie bar for your guests to help themselves to. Be sure to include marshmallows for everyone to toast on sticks over the fire – perfect with a little hot chocolate laced with rum, cinnamon or chilli!

Practical considerations

Health and safety

Take care to do what you can to avoid accidents and injuries at your event. It is useful to conduct a risk assessment, to help make sure you have thought things through systematically. See our information on health and safety for community groups.

 First aid

Decide who will be responsible for first aid on the day. For large events, you could ask a first aid organisation to attend. Even if you are just using your own volunteers, you need to have a visible first aid point at the event and people who are taking the role of first aiders. Some of your volunteers may already have first aid training. If not, here is a list of first aid training providers.


How will people get to the event? Make sure your publicity gives details of public transport and parking. Will you need to put up signs in the surrounding streets to make the event easier to find?


You should do what you can to ensure that disabled people can take part in your event. For example, if possible, choose a venue which is accessible for wheelchair users, and provide a British Sign Language interpreter for speeches and performances. Put information on your publicity about how accessible your event will be, so that people will know in advance if their needs are going to be catered for. You could also invite people to contact you in advance if they have a particular access need, so that you can adjust your plans to make the event accessible for them.

Children’s activities

If you plan to have children’s activities, be clear in your publicity whether you are providing care for unsupervised children, or whether children need to bring an adult to look after them. If you plan to provide childcare, you may find it useful to look at our information on running a crèche.


Do you want or need to photograph or film your event entertainment? You should put up signs informing people if they might be photographed, and you should gain parental consent before photographing children. Have a look at our information on photo consent.


Consider whether you want to take out public liability insurance.