Cheerleading fundraising ideas

Cheerleading fundraising does not have to be hard work. There are lots of great ideas for parties and events out there. Give them a little tweak to suit your team. And away you go!

The other thing is that by undertaking fundraising events in your local community you can make friends, attract sponsorship and build a big base of supporters who will then be behind you because you are “their team”.

Many ordinary fundraising ideas (and some not so ordinary) can be used to raise money for your squad. The thing is to give them your own special twist.

Often just running ordinary fundraisers but wearing your cheerleading uniforms is enough to grab people’s attention and make things different. Just think outside the box a bit. Then get organised and GO FOR IT!

Below are some easy fundraisers perfect for cheerleaders and guaranteed to bring the cash in for your group:

Cake Sale Fundraisers

Cheerleaders Car Wash

Cheerleading Fundraiser – Christmas Gift Wrapping Service

Cheerleading Fundraiser – Kid’s Cheerleading Party

Cheerleading Uniforms – Selling them to raise funds

Tombola -Run a Tombola stall at any local event.

St George’s Day fundraising

Saint George – that renowned slayer of dragons is the patron saint of England. His day falls on the 23rd April and is a great excuse to come up with some fantastic fun fundraising entertainment with a very English feel.

Decorations for St George’s Day should consist of:
Cross of St George bunting and flags
Pictures of Bobby Moore holding aloft The World Cup
Pictures of London landmarks

Start the day just right by offering a Full English Breakfast in your local hall, school diner, works canteen, a typical Full English will include:

Bacon, eggs, sausages, black pudding, baked beans, tomatoes and mushrooms. Followed by toast and marmalade. All washed down with a few cups of tea.

Menu examples to serve on the day:

St George’s Day Special – Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding

Roast Beef the very stuff of Olde England.
Find a venue where you could serve this traditional English Roast Dinner. With lovely roast beef, yorkshires, roast potatoes, parsnips, carrots and peas with a beautiful thick gravy.

For afters it’s got to be a classic English Pudding:

Spotted Dick, Apple Crumble, Treacle Tart, Bakewell Tart, Bread and Butter Pudding. All smothered in lovely golden yellow custard.

As the cooking for this is a bit more involved you may like to team up with a local pub, bar or restaurant. You organise the event, publicise it and sell tickets. They provide the party venue and the catering for an agreed split of the profits. For them this is a great marketing opportunity. They will love the publicity, and having their place full of potential new customers. You get the chance to raise some easy money.

St George’s Day Special – A Classic English Cream Tea
The best venue for this one is someone’s garden or the local village green. Serve up delicious home-made scones with butter, clotted cream, strawberry jam and a lovely pot of tea.

Event Games Ideas
St George’s Day Special – Cockney Knees Up
That’s right we are all off to London Town for a night of pie and mash. A pint or two of best bitter. And a right good sing song around the old piano. Partnering with a pub is again a good idea for this one, but the bar of a social or sports club would also work well.
Fundraising Quiz Night – All About England
Fundraising quizzes can be good fun and St George’s Day is the perfect excuse for a quiz night all about England. Just give all your rounds an English slant.
Question rounds could be things like:

English history
English sport
The geography of England
English TV shows
English pop and rock music
This would be perfect combined with a meal such as a curry or fish and chips.

The power of a gospel choir

Gospel music can be joyful, soulful or romantic, so gospel singers and gospel choirs tend to include a wide variety of music in their repertoire, from classical and jazz to soul, rock and contemporary pop.

Today’s gospel choirs usually perform with a piano or keyboard and sometimes a drummer, and can be led by a choirmaster. They sing an infectious mix of music including traditional gospel, plus jazz, blues, soul, classical and Latin sung in the gospel style. For most functions, including weddings, corporate events, flash mobs, product launches, award ceremonies and parties, the best choice is a gospel choir rather than a soloist, as both the visual and sound experience of a choir delivers a real impact.

Gospel music has its roots in the spirituals and work songs sung by 18th century slaves in the US, enabling them to join in religious worship at a time when few could read or write. Most songs were sung ‘a cappella’ (unaccompanied), or with basic rhythm, so over time, distinctive harmonies developed to embellish the sound. By the early 20th century, gospel was going mainstream, with the first gospel recordings made in the 1920s, and gospel songs then taken up by high profile performers such as Elvis, creating the fascination and enjoyment of gospel that continues today.

A quality gospel choir has three key elements; a great sound, a coordinated look, and an infectious sense of enjoyment!

So, when judging the quality of a gospel choir, first of all, listen to their demo tracks, and consider:

• Do you prefer the cleaner arrangements with harmonies, or the more flamboyant vocalizations
• Does the accompaniment (piano or band) add to the overall sound?
• Does one voice/performer dominate, or does the choir share the lead vocal around, for more variety?

This last point is probably not as important if your choir is only singing a few number during your wedding service, but if you then book them to entertain at your reception or party afterwards (a great idea for guests to enjoy more), consider how they will sound in a 30-minute set or longer.
Now, look at their promotional photos :

• Do they perform in matching outfits?
• Do they look traditional or trendy?
• Do they vary their look to fit the performance type? (Hopefully, yes!).

Finally, do they look and sound as if they are enjoying themselves? While every song doesn’t have to be upbeat, the general feel should be one of energy and excitement bubbling under. Gospel music should dance, not amble!

Tower of London event venue

For nearly 1,000 years, the Tower of London has stood as a landmark for visitors to the capital to enjoy. In service to the monarch, thousands of people flock to the Tower of London each year in order to experience a true feel of Britishness; from the ravens walking around the grounds to the colourful Yeoman Warders (that’s Beefeaters to you and I) waiting to greet you, there’s a lot to enjoy. And that’s even before we get to talking about the Crown Jewels!

When you hire an event venue like the Tower of London, it’s clear you’re going for the spectacular, looking to really impress your guests. What you might not know however is that the Tower of London has a whole host of rooms and spaces that are available when you decide to hold your party there. This event venue sits right on the bank of the River Thames. But what else can you expect from this fabulous venue?

Whether it be a reception, dinner or huge event, you can pick from a variety of different rooms that hold just 12 people right through to The Moat, which can hold up to 2000.

You might wish to dine in the White Tower or enjoy a drink or two in the New Armouries – whatever you desire, the Historic Royal Palaces team will seek to accommodate your request if it is at all viable. Do not worry about having a private view of the Crown Jewels either; this is all part of the experience when you hire such a famous venue! You can even experience a special Yeoman Warder and witness the ancient and world famous Ceremony of the Keys.

Hiring a venue like this is naturally an opportunity to hire the best entertainment for your evening as well. But what works at the Tower of London? You’ll be glad to know that pretty much everything does! Caricaturists, singing monks, classic function bands, string duos and even lutists play in this very special of events venues.

Brilliant ways to remember your event

Eyecon Art
Technically we’re breaking our own rule in that opening paragraph as Eyecon Art is essentially a photograph. But don’t go thinking that this is the same as hiring a photographer for an event. Rather than capture you standing awkwardly by the DJ as you ponder which canapés to chow down on, Eyecon Art will have you heading home with an incredibly close-up shot of your eye. Every iris is unique and dare we say it, look tremendous!

If you’re looking to hire a caricaturist for an event, then you have got to make sure that you are fine with having your eyebrows accentuated and your nose looking a little larger than in real life. But that’s all part of the fun! A good caricaturist knows how to draw a cartoon-style representation of their subject without causing offence and the best part is that with modern technology being what it is, you can take home a paper or digital version.

Duke Box
Why does everything that provides a memory of an event have to be visual? The answer is that they don’t, especially when you’re dealing with a Duke Box, a fabulous box of audio delights which allows you to be the DJ! Selecting your favourite hits and making a party to remember from nostalgic tunes to more up-to-date current hits. A duke box not only looks good but sounds great too. Your guests will be gathered around remembering their favourite tunes of yesteryear.

Screen Printing
Whether you call it screen printing, letter pressing or something completely different, these fabulous contraptions can have you created your very own work of art in no time! Popular at Somerset House every summer, you too can discover the art of the print. Remember not to limit yourself to paper or card; should you so desire you can create your design on a T-shirt. Wear your creation and remember that party in style!

Dance group entertainment

For entertainment that really gets your party started, it’s hard to beat a professional dancer for sheer energy, visual impact, and more than a touch of glamour.

Dancers and dance companies perform choreographed routines that combine music and movement into an energetic and elegant form of entertainment. Most dance groups offer a range of traditional, classical and contemporary dance styles, including elegant ballroom dancing, street dance, Las Vegas style showgirls, traditional Irish dancing, Latin American tango, Spanish flamenco, and the more risqué charms of burlesque.

Most dancers for hire and dance troupe offer either a standard show that can be adapted to your venue and event, or as bespoke option to create exactly the mood and feel you require for your event.
Whether you’re looking for a solo belly dancer to surprise guests at a birthday party, or classical ballerina to add grace and elegance to your product launch, dancers and dance groups provide an energetic, engaging, and ultimately highly entertaining show for your guests.

Most dancers and dance troupes are extremely versatile, often offering a wide variety of dance styles for your event. Chances are, if a dance troupe focuses exclusively on one or two dance styles or forms, they will have a high level of expertise in these forms and therefore put on a more authentic show.

Some of the dance companies featured at Red Masque Directory will create bespoke shows just for you, and bring in dancers and performers with the correct level of skills required. So, just because they don’t specialise in Street Dance for example, they can probably call on some very good performers if you require a bespoke urban style performance.

Take a little time to look at the Profiles of dancers and dance companies here on Red Masque Directory. All companies will feature photographs of their dancers, and some offer video, a great way to see what they look like in action.

Swing and Jive

Why not hire some great entertainment for your corporate event or private party, for the best music, Swing and Jive performers make for the best entertainment..

Most swing and jive performers have a deep-rooted affection for the music they perform and it shows in every moment of their performance. Many have a signature style of performance too, whether it’s pared-back skiffle versions of classic tracks or retro-arrangements of contemporary pop anthems.

Nearly all swing and jive bands will have a distinctive look, incorporating vintage fashions, authentic period instruments and some of the coolest haircuts.

One of the key features of swing and jive bands is that their sound is immediate, energetic, almost raw, as opposed to the overproduced sound of carefully-tweaked pop album tracks. It’s this upfront, energetic sound that makes these kinds of bands so great for live events, as guests pick up on the band’s energy and your party suddenly gears up a notch or seven!

What music do swing and jive bands perform?

These bands draw their music from the rich legacy of tracks from the 1930s onwards, including authentic 1940s arrangements, 1950s classic rock n roll, 1960s crooner classics right up to contemporary tracks with a retro twist.

For Jive Bands think:

1940s – up-tempo Glenn Miller Band, Count Basie, The Andrews Sisters, Cab Calloway
1950s – Bill Haley, Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis
1960s – Nina Simone, The Rat Pack, Aretha Franklin

Music for your event

Live entertainment during breaks can be a good energy booster for conference attendees. Chart toppers like the ones in our ‘most played’ list can work well in this environment, and can easily be played over an in-house speaker system at a reasonable level.

Here, a live band or DJ can really add something to your conference. Stay clear of big sounds and opt for a smaller set-up, as delegates still need to be able to network and recharge for their next seminar.

Music in exhibition halls

Using a hired musician in large exhibition halls can be a great way of creating a good vibe.

At the same time the room is likely to be very noisy from all the delegates networking with each other and talking to exhibitors. The latter of course, is exactly what you want.

After parties

Out of all the areas of your conference where you might add music, this is definitely where your delegates will be most relaxed, and might even venture out on the dance floor.

After parties are all about networking and having a really good time. This is also where the ‘most played list’ will feel most appropriate. You can hire a party band or DJ who incorporates them into their usual set-lists, or you could go for a more tailored option.

Corporate team building

One of the great benefits of corporate events team building is that it offers participants the opportunity to indulge their deepest desires and longstanding aspirations. Why not indulge in some film making activity entertainment which challenges teams to create their own unique commercial, which are then reviewed before a winner is announced.

Each team could be set the same creative challenge, while they are also equipped with an array of dazzling props, purposeful resources and even film production software. These teams then collaborate throughout the day to create their film, with a view to winning the grand prize in a ceremony.

With this in mind, what challenges will each team have to face through the course of the task? Consider the following: –

• Determining Roles and Responsibilities: While this is primarily a fun task, there are also a number of professional and leadership based challenges involved. Firstly, participants within each team must determine individual roles, with the selection of director, camera operator and actors particularly important!

• Creative Thinking and Visualization: The ability to think creatively and visualize concepts is crucial, especially when it comes to driving businesses forward. Your film making task will challenge team members to develop innovative themes and bring them to life, testing their judgement and ability to think outside of the box!

• The Correct Use of Props and Filming: The fact that each team has the same equipment is telling, and they are also given a single shot to film their commercial. This challenges the ability of each individual’s ability to work in harmony, while under intense pressure and strict time demands.

Once these challenges have been met, each participating team will present their adverts to their peers and judges. Appraised on the quality of their advert and a series of additional criteria that are set beforehand, the winners will receive their very own Oscar and experience the unadulterated excitement of a red carpet, silver screen experience.

Do you have a sweet tooth?

Cotton Candy, also known as Candy Floss, Fairy Floss, Papa’s beard and even Old Woman’s Hair is made by spinning flossine sugar. The first records of Candy Floss in Europe date back to the 18th century, with it becoming popular in 1904 after the invention of the candy floss spinning machine we are all now familiar with. It was in April of that year that Candy Floss was taken to the World’s Fair where over 68,000 boxes were sold for 25 cents each (approx. £4 today), which was half the cost of admission! It was clear from this day onwards that candy floss would be extremely popular for people of all ages.

If this has got you craving some of the fluffy goodness, we can certainly help! At Red Masque, we have a great selection of Candy Floss options for your party entertainment, amongst lots of other sweet treats.

Candy floss carts from party suppliers are a great feature at any event. Your guests can grab a stick (or bag) of the sugary stuff from our friendly fun experts, or see a demonstration on how to make the Candy Floss, before having a go themselves.

If popcorn is more your thing, then a popcorn machine is just the thing for your event, whether it be a birthday party, wedding or corporate event. That sweet smell of popcorn will draw all of your guests in and have them coming back for more and more!

If you really want to be taken back to those childhood days of filling up a paper bag with your favourite sweet treats, then why not hire a Pick N Mix cart to sweeten your guests taste buds. If your event has a specific colour scheme or theme, then why not choose a range of sweets that tie in with theme or personalised rock which will be a special touch.

Sweet treats don’t stop there though, if you are planning an event for next summer and would like a sweet treat to cool your guests down, Ice cream bike hire will do just that! Alternatively, if you would like a healthier treat, fruit selection carts would be great.