5 Simple Games for Christmas

Christmas parties are a great way to introduce new friends to old, eat some great food, and celebrate the holiday season! Make sure your guests don’t forget your party with these fun and festive games!

The Santa Hat Game:

The best part of this game is that it has no formal start time – it can start as your guests progressively arrive at the party!

Stop by your local Pound shop, and pick up some Santa hats/reindeer antlers from the Christmas aisle.

As your guests arrive, ask them to put on a hat but only take it off when they see you take yours off. Let your guests chat and get comfortable, and remove your hat when you think no one is looking. You’ll quickly see who has been paying attention, and who has been drinking too much of the Christmas punch.

The last person to remove their hat is the loser! They get to initiate the next round of the game.

The Human Christmas Tree Game;

This game is a great team-builder, or an excellent way for guests to release their competitive energy! In preparation, set up a table with a variety of craft supplies: glue, paper, scissors, foil, and other seasonal decorations.

Once the party has got going, split your guests into an appropriate number of teams (4-5 people per team). One member of each team must volunteer to be the Christmas Tree.

Set a timer for 15 minutes, and have your guests decorate their ‘human trees’! The best tree will, of course, be decided by the party host!

Oven Glove Unwrap;

This is a great group game, especially if you have a more than a few gifts that need unwrapping!

You’ll need some well-wrapped gifts, a Santa hat, a pair of oven gloves (the fluffier the better), and one dice (two if there are more than 8 people).

Place the well-wrapped present in the centre of the room, and have your guests gather in a large circle around it.

The first contestant rolls the dice. If anything but a six is rolled the dice should quickly be passed to the left. Once a player rolls a six, they need to put on the hat and gloves and start opening the present, one layer at a time! The next player to roll a six should take the ‘un-wrapper’s place.

Whoever unwraps the last piece of paper off the present, gets to keep it!

The Balancing Ornament Game:

Alright, we admit – the name needs some work. The game, however, is going to be a sure-fire hit with the young and old at your Christmas Party!

You’ll need a paper towel/wrapping-paper tube, a ruler (or any stick for that matter), and a bunch of ornaments with hooks.

Once your guests are paired up, they’ll each have one minute to balance as many ornaments as possible on either side of the ruler without it falling of the paper towel tube. The winning pair is decided by the most ornaments that are balanced!

Marshmallow Relay Toss;

Every good party involves throwing food, right? Perhaps not, but here’s a great game that will allow your guests to do just that.

You’re going to need 2 Christmas wreathes, and 2 bags of marshmallows.

Have your guests split into 2 groups and form 2 lines. Lean the wreathes on chairs positioned 10-15 feet from the front of the lines. Starting from the front of the line, players need to throw marshmallows until they score through the centre of the wreath! Once they have scored, they can step out of the line. The first line to complete the challenge wins! 

Tip: You may want to delegate an official ‘marshmallow retriever’ for each team.

What does Christmas mean to you?

What does Christmas mean to you? From the first day in January to the last day in December, not a single day goes by where you’re not dreaming of mince pies, planning your festive wrapping paper or writing your wish list to Santa. So it’s pretty safe to say we at Red Masque are passionate about what we do! Because here at Red Masque we love Christmas, which is why your party ideas are here on our website.

The office Christmas party is a tradition looked forward to by many and is a great way to say thank you to your staff for all their hard work over the year. Whether you’re looking for an exclusive fully themed extravaganza, a table at an awe inspiring shared party where you can mingle with other groups or a selection of Christmas party venues where your staff can enjoy nibbles and a few drinks! We only advertise the most trusted and respected acts and suppliers, you’re safe in the knowledge that your party is going to be one to remember. 

Throughout the year we always keep abreast of any new event industry trends and we take great care in making sure that current acts, and suppliers always are rated with the level of excellence that we believe clients deserve. We’re continuously looking to source new suppliers, entertainers and venues for our website; ensuring that our themes and offerings are new, fun and fresh every year.

Exclusive events give your employees a chance to really bond with each other. Think about organising a bespoke party which can see personal touches and your own branding brought to life in an event just for you. 

Best time to book a Christmas party

If you want to book the perfect Christmas party then it really is best to book early, particularly if you plan to go bespoke. We recommend booking in the summer months.  Now we know that sounds early, especially when it’s BBQ season and sunny, and we know that during the summer, Christmas events are the last thing most people think about but it really is the best time to book: you get first pick of all the new packages and themes. Long story short, the sooner you book, the more choice you’ll have and the more perfect your party will be!

A West End Musical event

We all love musicals. Even those people who say that they don’t can be found screaming Grease Lightning at the top of their lungs at party events every summer. It makes sense then that musicals from the West End and Broadway are therefore commandeered for weddings, corporate events and private parties

Mary Poppins

Ah yes. Famous for dancing penguins, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and Dick Van Dyke’s horrendous cockney accent, this is a musical that combines animation and live action to great effect. A family classic for all the family. But how does that translate to events?  Why not hire a dance troupe with some costumes and umbrellas and create a wonderful Poppins scene at authentic venue of your choice?

Sound of Music

For a merry West End sing-song of all the hits from the Sound of Music. Do-Re-Me, So Long Farewell, 16 Going on 17, Climb Every Mountain and My Favourite Things could be belted out to a costumed audience. Who doesn’t like this film?  Such an idea won’t be perfect for every corporate gathering but it certainly be a unique and pleasant experience!

Mamma Mia

Knowing Me, Knowing You, Dancing Queen, Waterloo… The hits are endless and as a result, why not book a tribute band and dance away? Or go wild and have a full on 70’s costumed event. Abba is everyone’s guilty pleasure. The result; a fabulously fun and entertaining party that is thoroughly enjoyed.

Jersey Boys

“Oh what a night!” is exactly what you’d be saying after experiencing a Jersey Boys Tribute act. That was exactly what to sing a medley of brilliant hits. Cherie, Walk Like a Man, Big Girls Don’t Cry, Who Loves You… Just some of the hits that can be Working My Way Back to You.

Rocky Horror

Richard O’ Brien’s greatest moment? Only if you wish to disregard his marvellous work on The Crystal Maze. Even so, the Rocky Horror Show is a huge cult musical that fans always like to dress up for.  These themed parties for the Rocky Horror never go out of fashion. Many bands love to recreate the songs from this show and everyone will love a bit of ‘closet’ dressing up!!

We will Rock you

There’s no reason this can’t be done in its entirety but for the certified Best Single of All Time, Bohemian Rhapsody. “Galileo! Galileo! Galileo Figaro! Magnifico…” We’ve got Freddie Mercury lookalikes before and know that an all-singing, all-dancing inspired Queen recreation would be the perfect musical experience for a corporate or private crowd. Fun fact for you: Robert De Niro was one of the producers of We Will Rock You in the West End. Amazing.

7 Main Magic Tricks

Did you know that there are only 7 different types of magic tricks? That’s not to say that you will only ever seen 7 party magic tricks in your life and that all of the others are the same, but like film genres, there are widely acknowledged to only be 7 categories that magic tricks will fit into, though naturally there will be some crossover (and a few people disputing this belief).

Below, we’ve compiled the 7 types of magic tricks explained them a little. Magic!


As you might expect, this is the art of making something disappear. A popular close-up magic trick will normally use a coin or a card, whilst David Copperfield went so far as to make the Statue of Liberty apparently disappear. (We say apparently because last time we checked, it’s still there…)


One could argue that this is how the Statue of Liberty returned! That wasn’t televised. Often seen when a event magician creates cards from nowhere or perhaps with doves and candles, as seen in this mesmerising Lance Burton magic trick. Wow.


Be it a matchstick, a car or even yourself, audiences around the world have been mystified by various objects defying gravity for years, dating all the way back to the Indian Rope trick. Later versions include David Copperfield’s ‘Flying’ and of course, the street levitation that made David Blaine famous.

Penetration (oi!)

Stop blushing. You have no need to blush! You at the back. Focus. Come on now. The penetration is a classic that we’ve all seen before. A pen passes through a playing card or a coin passes through an iPad. Frankly, they’re all mystifying and deserving of an audience. In this clip, ‘magician’s magician’ Eugene Burger passes a cigarette through a card, somehow leaving the card intact once the magic trick is done. Huh


“If you’d just like to check your back pocket, sir…” The transportation is a staple of card top magicians worldwide, managing to shoehorn the 8 of Hearts into anything from a pair of trousers to a lemon, or even a sealed tin of spaghetti. This type of magic trick was the main thinking behind top film, The Prestige featuring Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale, where the main characters were transporting themselves. Impressive stuff. (Again though, David Copperfield did it years ago…)

Mind Reading

The incredible abilities that made Derren Brown and Uri Geller famous, mind reading, is a tremendously impressive feat of psychological showmanship. To his credit, Derren Brown admits this. Uri Geller though, passes it off as gospel. Often seen at live magic shows, it’s sure to impress. How did they know?


Whether it’s your bank note, a card or even your ludicrously expensive watch, magicians love to tear or smash up your property before returning it to you a few minutes later completely unharmed (in theory…) Strangely they call this entertainment. As long as it doesn’t go wrong, it’s great.

If you’re looking for a magician for your event, feel free to get in touch using the information below.

Office Party Planning Tips

People get nervous at office parties. Nervousness can equal erratic behaviour so reduce the stress by setting some ground rules. Make sure you answer the following questions:

Will there be alcohol at the party and if so is it open bar or cash bar?
Are spouses and dates invited? This is particularly important if the party is off your property.
How long will the festivities last? Not everyone can get there at 5:30 so it’s nice to know people will still be there later in the evening.
What’s the proper dress? Not usually a big problem and not necessary in a majority of cases, but if you are hosting the party at a private club or a place no one has been to before a heads up about what to wear can save some people serious embarrassment.

Whether you plan to host a big bash or a small gathering try these suggestions:

Be as generous as your budget allows. Your employees work hard and they are looking for a show of appreciation. They view your generosity as a barometer of their performance.
Try to go somewhere different. If there is a tavern or restaurant close by your employees are probably there all the time. Why not drive an extra 5 minutes and meet at someplace different?
If you have the party on premises, make sure to decorate. Telling them to meet in the cafeteria will excite no one. Asking them to join you on the beach (a decorated themed area) they’ll know it’s a special day.
Invest in a cocktail waiter. They’ll monitor and control drinking. They also can make attractive and fun “virgin” drinks. People like picking a non-alcoholic “cool” option. Letting employees pour their own can be a problem and asking an employee to tend bar may be putting them in a bad spot.
Have a theme for your party entertainment. We mentioned luau because it’s always a hit but casino and Mardi Gras are also real favourites that can be planned for 10 or a 100.

Think about providing some great party favours or even door prizes. It’s nice to walk away with a remembrance of a great time. Finally make sure you have fun. If you’re a manager, mingle with your employees they’ll appreciate it and you’ll enjoy it.

A good firework display

Attending an organised bonfire event ensures you can enjoy the very best of everything in safety, including a bonfire, the burning of the Guy, live music, tasty eats, and of course an awesome fireworks display. Red Masque have many good firework display artists for you to hire for hundreds of charity events every year, so that you can go along, have a good time and enjoy them to the max.

As a nation, we like to celebrate a hapless hero, and top of the list must be Guy Fawkes, a man famous for having failed miserably to do what he set out to do. Fawkes and his co-conspirators planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament but on 5 November 1605, Fawkes was discovered guarding a large stockpile of gunpowder in the cellars, after an anonymous tip-off to the authorities. Here’s five great ways to celebrate his non-achievement!

Guy Fawkes Night is a great excuse to have a party where the star attraction is a red-hot band or explosive new act rather than a soggy bonfire or a damp squib! Ditch the rockets and whizz-bang in favour of guitar solos and keyboard wizardry, for a night everyone will remember for a very long time. At Red Masque, we have some of the best up and coming bands in the business.

Bonfires are fun but they are also a liability waiting to happen. So, light up your bonfire party with entertainment that makes the most of fire, light and spectacle without the health and safety issues. 

Fire acts create magical patterns in the night sky using fire and sparks, for a show that has deep, primeval appeal. Or opt for the high-tech solution, an LED light show where the ‘fire’ is actually LED lights twirled, swirled and whirled to create incredible coloured patterns and optical illusions. You’ll never look at a sparkler again!

You will have to book will in advance if you want a professional firework display, as they’ve been booked up for months. However, you can book a professional firework display any day of the year through Red Masque so you can enjoy a spectacular display choreographed to your favourite track for your wedding, birthday party, anniversary celebrations, proms party, graduation ball, you name it. Call us for details, and try to book nice and early!

We may have been celebrating Fawkes’ night in July instead of November, had not the opening of Parliament been delayed by the threat of plague – the gunpowder was actually stored and ready from 20th July onwards. So if you’re planning a summer party with a difference, why not celebrate the 410th anniversary of the start of the Gunpowder Plot with a midsummer Bonfire Night party.

And if you do want your own bonfire party in the back garden, always follow the Firework Code keep bonfires small and under control, and warn your neighbours so they can keep pets safely indoors. Have fun!

Halloween decorating ideas

Decorating for Halloween can be fun and gets you excited for the Halloween season, but thinking of new Halloween decoration ideas is difficult. Here are a few helpful Halloween decorating tips and tricks to help get your creativity flowing. Your Halloween party décor can be sophisticated or downright spooky. No matter which way you decide to take your fall home décor, follow these easy tips for Halloween decorating that will make it easier.

Try out these Halloween decorating ideas:

Un-Decorate Before You Decorate: Take your normal picture frames off the walls and decorations off all the surfaces including tables, counters, and shelves. When you add Halloween event decorations on top of your normal décor, the result looks cluttered and confused. Put all the focus on your Halloween decorations by making them the centre of attention. Fill empty spots that other picture frames left by hanging Halloween plates or spooky decorations.

Focus On One Colour Scheme: A classic orange and black colour scheme for your decorations always looks great. You could also try a creepy black and green colour scheme or go sophisticated with black and silver. Try not to mix more than three of these bold colours. This will keep your house looking put together and sophisticated.

Decorate With Pumpkins: Pumpkins can be used in many different ways for Halloween décor. For a more chic look, try painting pumpkins, or using glue with glitter or buttons. Pumpkins can be used outside as a welcome sign outside after being painted, or inside as table or mantelpiece décor. Try painting a pumpkin with chalkboard paint and keeping a countdown to Halloween!

Use Candles: Candles are a great way to set a creepy mood for All Hollow’s Eve or the night of a Halloween party. White candles look spookiest and are easy to find. Mix and match different sizes and heights of candles and tealights on a mantle or as the centrepiece on a table. Dim the lights and the candle glow will give all the rest of your decorations a scary flickering shadow!

Use these Halloween home party design and decoration tips to spark your creativity and expand on your favourite Halloween decorations. Happy Halloween!

Teenager ideas for Halloween

Halloween party games for teenagers are super to add to any teen party or even just a family party where teens will be present. Though teenagers can be easily bored, these Halloween games for teens will keep them entertained all night long! Games that require preparation are also fun to plan and think up! If you need a few ideas for Halloween party games for teens, take a look at the list below:

Bob for apples: That’s right—though this classic game may seem childish, it’s actually fun for people of all ages! Just set up a big barrel full of water and apples to challenge your teenagers to see if they can pick the apples up without using their hands!

Costume dance contest: This is a quick and easy way to get everyone on their feet. You can do contests such as the limbo or just award funny prizes for guests’ costumes. Make sure to have prizes on hand!

Murder mystery: This game requires a lot of thought and planning, but it is well worth it! It’s similar to a live action version of clue. For this game, you’ll have to create a story, character list and solution to a murder mystery. Just be sure not to tell any guests about it! Assign everyone at the party a “part” and hide clues around the house. Have them act out the story as they figure out who’s the murderer together!

Halloween night sweet hunt: Plant sweets around the outside of your home. Once it’s dark out, have guests go on a night-time sweet hunt. Give them bags for the sweets and flashlights and split them up into groups of 3-4. See how daring they’ll be on Halloween night!

Halloween Fear Factor: For this game, play a guessing game! Blindfold guests and have them put their hand into a bowl or jar filled with something horrible to the touch. Then have them guess what they just touched. Some ideas include Jelly, peanut butter and crushed biscuits. Award prizes for the people who have the most accurate guesses

Halloween trivia: Before the party, make up Halloween movie, TV show and history trivia cards. During the party, host a trivia session complete with prizes!

These Halloween games for teenagers are just a few ideas to get you started. These ideas are also Halloween party games for tweens too, so feel free to get as many people in the family involved as you can!

Halloween Event Ideas

Halloween use to be a one night only excuse to dress up in your favourite costume and get together with friends and family while indulging in sugary treats and watching a scary movie. Today however, the traditions of Halloween have extended far past October 31st and now tend to encompass a months’ worth of costume parties, haunted houses, and scary movies on TV & in theatres.  Red Masque directory have several Halloween event ideas and tips to help make your next Halloween event become the talk of the town. From unique costume parties for kids and adults to cocktail parties at the office (after hours of course) and creating the scariest house on the block, we can make your dreams a reality.

Planning a costume party can be a daunting task however with a few simple tips you can become a pro.

Pick a day – Halloween this year falls on a Saturday, which gives you plenty of options to have the event as close to Halloween as possible. To ensure your guests will be available to attend, planning the party on the weekend before or after Halloween is always best.

Select your venue – Be sure to ask about any restrictions with using atmospheric effects such as smoke machines. Smoke or haze in the venue adds a great “spooky” effect and increases the visibility of the lighting used. Of course, hosting the event at your home is always a great choice as you will have no restrictions on decorations or effects used.

Creating a Theme – Adding a theme to your costume party is a great way to get your guests to be a bit more creative. Some great Halloween costume party themes include: Famous couples, western, and decade specific costumes such as 60s/Mad Men or 20s/Great Gatsby. Tying in drinks from your theme will really bring it all together. 

Incorporating Decorations – After picking a theme, decorations will fall into place easy. Ghosts, mummies, and witches are always great go to items for any Halloween party but expanding off your theme and colours will help bring the event together. Adding accent lighting around the venue or home is always a safe bet and utilizing low flying smoke will give your guests the added wow factor of “floating in the clouds” or “walking through a scary movie”. Utilizing strobe lights flashing at specific rates along with ambient sound FX throughout the venue will really step up the “fear factor” of the venue.

Plan your New Year’s Eve party now!!

New Year’s Eve – a great excuse for you to invite the friends and family around, indulge in some more drinks and snacks, and celebrate a fresh start. Don’t worry if you haven’t sorted out any entertainment for the evening yet, there is still time to book and there are plenty of interesting acts for you. Take a look at our top 10 last minute ideas for your New Year’s Eve party entertainment.

1. Caricaturists

If you’re staging a party this New Year’s Eve, then a caricaturist can really help to break the ice between people that may not know each other. Generally a caricaturist can draw 10-15 caricatures in an hour, making this a good choice for crowd entertainment. Caricaturists are also great if you’re on a tight budget as they normally provide their own drawing materials and any drawings done on the night are free for your guests to take home, making your event personal and memorable.

2. Magicians

Magicians are another great ice-breaker for large events, but also very versatile and can perform at much smaller events for New Year’s Eve. Magic might look amazing on television, but there is nothing like seeing live magic being performed right in front of your eyes. Close-up magic is great to get guests actively involved and keep them amused during the quieter times of your event.

3. Balloon Modellers

I bet you never thought that would be on the list! Balloon modellers are great value for money and it is amazing the type of things they can produce for you! They can make balloons tailored to the theme of you event, and are even happy to teach guests how to twist balloons themselves. This is a unique form of entertainment that is suitable for all ages.

4. Pianists

Of course, New Year’s Eve events can be very classy, requiring some sophisticated entertainment. A Pianist is a really good option if that’s the type of event you have in mind this year. Most pianists are happy to discuss set lists with you in order to create the type of show you are after. Live music adds that extra spark to any event, especially New Year’s Eve when your guests are expecting to see the year out with a bang.

5. Rat Pack Singers

Rat Pack singers cover all the greats, from Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Tony Bennet, to more modern music from Michael Buble. This is a great entertainment option if you want to entertain all ages for New Year’s Eve, and Rat Pack singers can be hired as solo acts or with a band.

6. String Quartets

Another classical option for your New Year’s event, but still able to adapt to your theme! String quartets are a good option if you are on a tight budget but want that big band effect. Most quartet groups have options for trio, duo, or solo performances too, so it’s always worth asking for other options. Some quartets even boast electric instruments which can make the show even more impressive.

7. Harpists

From classical to contemporary music, jazz tunes or musical show favourites, a harpist is an extremely versatile act. If you think a harpist is just for a wedding, don’t be fooled! Harpists can play more modern music to incorporate into the theme of your New Year’s event. Although harps look like large instruments, a harpist will only need about 2 meters squared to perform, so even if your event is a bit smaller you could still hire a harpist. Take a look at Red Masques’ directory of harpists if you feel like a more sophisticated form of entertainment for your New Year’s bash!

8. Saxophonists

The saxophonist is one of the most vibrant acts you could hire for your New Year’s event. They can play along to high quality backing tracks or as a soloist. Often concentrating on jazz, funk, and soul, our saxophonists are also keen to discuss more modern song choices with you to help make your New Year’s Eve event a hit. A saxophonist can also be a really good accompaniment if you plan to have a sit-down meal at your event.

9. Dancers

There are numerous dance groups across the UK who can perform for New Year’s Eve parties. Dancers can perform meet and greet sets, or produce a choreographed show to wow your New Year’s Eve guests! Various themes are available such as; Can-can, Moulin Rouge, Cheerleading, 1920s, Las Vegas, Bollywood, Street dance, Hula, Hawaiian, Rock ‘n’ Roll, Broadway, Arabian Nights, Wild West, James Bond, and burlesque. Most dance groups will perform along to music from a CD, so all you would need to do is provide the sound system and you have the perfect New Year’s Eve entertainment!

10. Vintage Singers

If you fancy a singer but you are looking for something a little bit different for your spectacular New Year’s Eve event, look no further. A vintage singer could be the right act for you!  has many solo vintage singers, duos, trios and bands. Vintage acts can perform traditional vintage songs, wartime songs, or more modern songs in a vintage jazzy style – it’s entirely up to you! Most vintage acts will also have a range of themed costumes available to wear if you are going for a full-on themed party.

From caricaturists, to burlesque dancers, to classical pianists, there are plenty of entertainment options for New Year’s Eve that you may not have already thought of. Just remember to book quick as time is running out!