Let there be cake!

The cake is quite often the thing most people look forward to at a wedding or birthday celebration. After all, it’s not a reception without a cake cutting ceremony! These days though there are so many options for cakes. You can have red velvet, lemon meringue, chocolate, marble, carrot, or maybe traditional vanilla. Others may choose to divert from the traditional cake, choosing cupcakes, truffles, chocolate confections, cookies, or a dessert buffet (for those who just can’t decide!). With all these options how does one even begin?

1. Search for the Right Bakery

Choosing a bakery is tough. It can be even tougher if you have a special need – glucose-free, lactose-free, vegan, Kosher, organic, etc. Luckily more bakeries are becoming aware of allergies or special needs and offer delicious alternatives. Do a quick search for a cake designer in your area who makes a product to your specification.

2. Choose Your Style

Are you a cupcake fan? Or are you a chocolate lover at heart? Or does a traditional tiered cake tickle your fancy? Cupcake towers are becoming more and more popular at birthdays, weddings, baby showers, and more. This takes the hassle out of cutting the cake into equal-sized pieces! Cakes can come in all shapes and sizes these days. Bakeries and cake designers can sculpt a cake into a castle, sports arena, animal, musical instrument, and anything else you can come up with! You can go this route for a birthday cake to match the cake with the birthday person’s favourite hobby. A designer’s ability to do this also is beneficial for groom’s cakes. A dessert buffet is always a fun route to go, as well. You can have all your favourite goodies in one place from a chocolate fountain and truffles to fruit tart and pastries.

3. Find Your Filling

Whether you go with a cake or cupcakes, you then must decide the type, filling, and frosting. So many decisions! However, this is where the yummy part begins – cake tastings! On top of the type of cake, such as red velvet, chocolate, or carrot, you also have the option of having a filling. Fillings can be in the form of fruit, mousse, and cream cheese, just to name a few. Schedule a tasting with your baker to decide which one is just right for you.

Above all, have fun with your cake! A little indulgence never hurt anyone, especially on a day of celebration!

Fundraising Ideas

School Fundraising Ideas

Whether you are raising money for tuition, a new computer room, extracurricular activities, or volunteer programs, school fundraising is a must for most schools. There are plenty of great fundraising activities for schools.

Student Serve-a-thon: Create a twist to your typical walk-a-thon or jog-a-thon event and host a serve-a-thon where parents and students work together to serve their community. Instead of walking for a cause, students donate their time mowing the lawn for an elderly neighbour, or cleaning up rubbish at a local park, or tutoring a younger student… this is a great way to earn money while helping those in need. Make your event a greater success by offering prizes to top entertainment performers and classrooms.

School Garage Sale

At least once a year, people clean out cupboards, attics and garages to discover things that are accumulating dust. A community garage sale is a great way for people to get rid of these items while donating to a great cause. An event like this also brings parents, teachers, students and members of the local community together in a social environment. There can be virtually no costs to hosting the event especially if it’s held at the school. All people do is drop off their items, and then organize a group of volunteers to help with sales. Consider adding a coffee and bake-sale as part of the event so people can eat and drink as they shop.

School Fete

Some schools achieve great success hosting a fun, interactive event for the local community. Not only can these fundraising events bring in a great deal of money, but they also provide an excellent opportunity for families and students to socialize. You can raise funds by charging a small admission fee for guests. Then raise additional funds by selling raffle tickets to participate in games, contest or purchase food. You may want to consider bringing in a vendor with bouncy castles or other inflatables. Have each class put together a different themed basket to raffle off.

Sales contest

Product sales are a great way to get students involved in raising funds for your school or organization. Many schools sell sweets, magazines, holiday items, and gift or discount cards. There are many benefits of selling discount cards. They are small and portable with a low overhead cost, and can be easily mailed at the cost of first class mail because of their size. Be sure to add in incentives and awards for top fundraisers to build in some healthy competition and encourage participants to raise more money.

Sports Fundraising events

Sports fundraising ideas provides a great way for coaches, parents, and schools to raise funds for new equipment, team uniforms, or travel funds for competitions. In addition, sports fundraising teaches children the importance of community service and being part of something larger than themselves. Sports fundraisers can also tie in values such as teamwork, sportsmanship and more.

Football fundraising

Fundraising is a great way for football teams, summer leagues and traveling teams to earn extra money for team uniforms, new equipment, training tools, entry fees and referee fees for traveling teams. Why not organise a sponsored football kick about or a penalty shoot-out? Don’t forget to buy some medals for the winners.

Dance Team Fundraising

If you are a dance or cheerleader team, consider hosting a dance-a-thon. This type of fundraiser works just like any walk-a-thon, however instead of walking… participants are dancing! Pick a day where dance team members and teachers teach dance lessons to others in the community. Incorporate fun dance performances as well to keep attendees entertained. Bring on a local business to sponsor and give all participants a t-shirt.

Team-Building Events

Another interesting idea for teams with older participants is a “team-building” fundraising event, such as a fundraising treasure hunt or relay race. Teams must delegate about the most efficient route to take, assign team members roles, and work together to accomplish their goals. This could be a great fundraising idea for a debate team or chess team. Funds are raised through team registration fees, plus individual pledge donation requirements.

Event Ideas to attract customers

Customer events are outstanding ways to create excitement and attract new prospects and loyal customers to your business. But how do you come up with an event idea that people want to attend and then get the word out? Here are five ideas for customer-attracting events that any business can use:

1. Learning event – At this type of event you focus on teaching attendees “how-to” do something. Options are limitless and could include things like a winery having a food and wine pairing, a makeup artist could reveal the latest techniques in contouring and highlighting, a dermatologist could address the benefits of proper skincare and the effects of aging, a plumber could advise about the benefits of pipe maintenance and how much money people can save with proper upkeep.

2. Interactive/Hands-On event – Similar to a learning event, a hands-on event takes that learning and literally puts it into the hands of an attendee. It allows guests to roll up their sleeves to learn and do at the same time. Some interesting examples of a hands-on event could include a plant nursery showing how to pot plants in mini trees, a printer demonstrating how to create letterpress cards or invitations, or a software company allowing customers to create an app using their technology.

If you’ve ever stepped foot in an Apple store, you know the power of putting your product or service into people’s hands. When they see it, touch it, experience the results of using it and how it can help them, it’s priceless.

3. Charitable event – Events that have a cause tied to them are brilliant at attracting customers because there’s a “feel good, do good” element. Shopping or spending for a cause is something people take pride in and it’s what helps make these type of events successful. You can do a charitable event any time of year, just make sure you connect your theme and cause to something that is relevant to your audience and something they care about.

4. Special Guest event – Inviting a special guest, host and event speakers or MC your event can be a great crowd pleaser and get people to attend. Many local sports athletes will lend their name and presence to causes they support. A restaurant or cafe could get a celebrity chef to cook a special meal and sign cookbooks, a wedding consultant could get a well-known makeup artist to provide “big day” makeovers.

5. VIP event – People love to be part of exclusive, special things and a VIP event can help attract them like crazy. You can create a members-only event or a VIP event for your most loyal customers and offer them special shopping hours, a nice discount and great customer service. These types of events have been wildly popular for years and spawned the now well-known concept of Friends & Family day events, etc. The key to doing VIP events well is to keep it small and manageable so you can offer only the best experience since these are your best customers. You can base “best” on a number of things including amount spent, number of purchases, number of referrals, etc.

Private party organising made easy

One of the simplest and easiest types of party to organise is a venue or marquee with a live band. Nothing gets guests excited like a live music performance as it’s far more interesting & engaging than a DJ or background music. You’ll need to choose a band to suit to the occasion, your guests and the type of atmosphere you’re looking for.

Popular types of party band include tribute bands, rock and pop function bands, or for an older audience try Swing and Jive or Rock n’ Roll.

Any private hire venue with a cool bar and space to dance would be suitable, but bear in mind parking and accommodation for those guests traveling beyond a taxi ride. For something a bit different try the Hard Day’s Night Hotel in Liverpool, complete with a live Beatles Tribute band.

Parties based around a live party band, especially a lively band, are likely to be quite loud so consider how many elderly guests you might have. Venues with sound limiters can be a real pain so before you hand over any money, make sure the venue you choose doesn’t have a limiter fitted (or if it does, that the threshold is set higher than 95dB). Also, make sure there is a dance floor and if at all possible, try to avoid venues where the bar is in a different room to the dancing as this can split guests and leave you with a less party atmosphere.

Good quality function bands will provide all of the equipment you’ll need, so all you need to do is ensure they have enough space and some light refreshments. Expect to pay upwards of £1000/£1400 for a really good 4-5-piece band.

For most private parties a really early arrival is not necessary so if you ask the band to arrive around 6pm they should be set up, sound checked & ready for guests to arrive by 7.30pm – 8pm. Most function bands will play 2 x 60 minute performances, and we suggest the first to start no earlier than 9pm so guests have time to get a drink and have a chat before the music starts.

How to entertain the simple way

Universal Party Truths: The first guest will arrive early. The pots and pans won’t be washed. And a half-dozen people will squeeze into the kitchen while you’re still slicing and dicing. Instead of fighting the facts, finesse your game plan. With these clever tips, you can keep your guests happy and occupied—and make yourself less stressed, from hello to good-bye.

For the smoothest entry, give arriving guests a clear destination. A small table done up with essentials is a friendly gesture, and it frees you to get back to the kitchen if needed. Try to offer bar access from more than one side, to prevent a cue. Stock generously and make sure you chill white wine for two hours in advance so guests won’t need to come looking for anything—ice, glassware, bottle opener, condiments—but reserve some surface area for mixing drinks. Nobody wants to mix up a Manhattan in mid-air.

Guests go where the action is—besides, they want to socialise with the host. Be ready to make them feel welcome.

Give over the far end of your kitchen counter or island to appetizers, so people know exactly where they can linger without being too in-your-face.

Welcome help. Reserve certain small jobs for early birds and those who shy away from being chatty. Offer the sorts of tasks you could give to an older child: setting out dishes and cutlery, plating hors d’oeuvres, filling the water jugs, or putting bread rolls in a basket.

Hide signs of stress. If anything makes a guest feel guiltier than watching the host do dishes after the meal, it’s watching her do them before the meal. Use the dishwasher as a hiding spot for dirty dishes even those you’ll ultimately wash by hand.

Go with the sort of low-key nibbles you would find in a classy bar: small bowls of nuts, Bombay mix, and olives.

Spirited conversation is a dinner party’s bread and butter, but sometimes it needs a nudge.

Manage moods. At holiday time, people tend to arrive hungry (and ready to indulge), so don’t make them wait too long for the main event.

Use a white tablecloth, white dishes, and just one or two rich accent colours and centrepieces should be tall enough to talk under or short enough to talk over.

A place card for everyone. Seating plans may seem formal, but they actually make guests more comfortable. Think about who would benefit from particular placement: small children (seat near a parent), couples (split them up to encourage mixing), and hearing-impaired guests (reserve a quiet corner chair or seat them front and centre, depending on personality). Then fill in the blanks.

Turn a table into a convenient, arm’s reach refilling station. Load it with wine, jugs of water, and spare utensils to eliminate supply runs.  

Be present. Each time you get up to fetch something, you essentially abandon your guests. A host’s primary duty isn’t to feed people but to spend time with them. Serve family-style, and forget cleaning up mid-event. Carrying plates to the kitchen is one thing; but once you turn on a tap, you’ve dissolved the festivity.

Relocating for sweets and coffee lets guests stretch their legs and switch up conversation partners.

Cheer at the finish line. Champagne after the meal is a nice surprise. It’s one of those delightful little touches that people remember.

To really spoil guests, set out the dessert —fancy chocolates or salted caramels—while you ready the baked goods. (Don’t forget the desserts that guests brought!) Sweet cheeses and nuts with a dessert wine provide the right coda for the sugar-averse.

Themed event evening

Event planners love organising a party around a specific theme. It makes sense since most guests turning should at least have some familiarity with the world they are about to experience. Perhaps the most popular party theme out of the many out there are parties based around Lewis Caroll’s Alice in Wonderland. Putting together Alice in Wonderland party ideas is something that simply requires imagination and a whole lot of fun. 

Alice in Wonderland

Well… No event is complete without an Alice, right? For many children’s parties, parents prefer Alice to simply be a walkabout costumed character allowing the kids to interact with Alice throughout the day. When it comes to Alice in Wonderland party ideas for adults though, there are a multitude of possible ideas, only limited to your imagination. You could hire a contortionist to play Alice, she could really squeeze into those small spaces then!!

With the UK seemingly more in love than ever with Alice in Wonderland (the theme has also been used for corporate events and Sweet 16 parties), the multitude of characters allows some truly inspired work.

Frozen themed parties…

One of the most popular films of the last few years, Frozen continues to take the world by storm, especially in the 2-7-year-old age bracket (if that’s an acceptable place to bracket off ages rather than the usual ‘3-5’) and you’ve no doubt been asked to host a Frozen party for your little one. But this is not just a theme for children, oh no! What with Christmas parties being upon us, this is the perfect time to ponder turning it into a Frozen theme but with a number of additions to ensure that any Scrooges at the party quickly turn into the embodiment of Christmas cheer!

Ice Sculpture

Any Frozen fan worth their salt will tell you that he is an iceman, responsible for cutting out blocks of ice for the people of Arendelle. Now since an actual iceman cutting out blocks of ice at a party probably isn’t that exciting to watch (and transporting the pre-cut ice is probably hugely expensive), what better way than to bring the magic of Kristoff’s profession to light with some Frozen ice sculptures! And by that we mean an ice sculptor creating a model of Olaf for your Christmas Party. 

Fake Snow

Because what could be more Christmassy than fake snow? You may be thinking that fake snow indoors just doesn’t work but cast your mind back to the very beginning of Frozen where Elsa first uses her powers, creating lovely little slopes of snow which she and her sister Anna play in. Naturally you can also make your own Olaf out of the snow and pose with it at a frozen photo booth too!

Costumed Characters

To be honest, this one is just a given. The very least that people would expect from a Frozen-themed Christmas party are some themed walkabout characters. Now you may be thinking, “But isn’t that more of a thing for children? Adults wouldn’t like that would they?” But you’d be very, very wrong for costumed characters are one of the most popular forms of entertainment. Guests can never get enough.

Naturally there are many, many more ideas that unfortunately couldn’t be included; from incredible Frozen-themed cocktails. To get some more inspiration look at our Christmas themed entertainment.

Step back in time

A great way to have a party with different genres of music is to hire some tribute bands. They can go all the way back to the 60’s up until the 90’s.  It would be fun to dress up to really make the evening really authentic. You may have a television company that need some by gone music to set your scene for your particular programme.

Music can be used to create nostalgia and to create the ambiance that you have been searching for, for whatever event you have lined up. Why not hire all types of music from all era’s and dance the night away to different decades, this is a great way to include all ages in your special event?

Tribute bands can also be hired which would be another great choice for your event again they can be tributes to the 60’s 70’s 80’s or 90’s or why not book all four!!!  

There is nothing better than the sound of a ‘big band’ where a crooner could be crooning along to some of your all-time favourites.

The thrill of the ‘big band sound’ wowing your guests being an altogether great event and just takes the edge of just about everybody else.  Why not be a talking point within your circle of friends and show your corporate guests a really good time.

Big Band and Swing are known for class and will be a firm favourite for young and old alike.

When you think of Brass musicians you think of the dulcet tones of the Salvation Army playing thought-provoking tunes and raising a bit of charity for the needy, or you could be thinking of a Marching band, whatever your memories or thoughts of Brass musicians, you cannot fail to love the sound.

If you needed some brass musicians at your event for a focal point or to raise some cash for a good cause then why not hire these great musicians, that are truly unforgettable and sheer joy to listen to. 

Character musicians bring a little bit of personality into their performance whilst playing an instrument or a number of instruments.  For example, it could be a ‘one-man band’ entertaining your guests at your corporate event.

It could be a comedian playing a piano very badly or a group of character musicians having a big of professional fun.

Be safe in the knowledge that all the musicians you see advertised on the Red Masque directory are of the most highest quality and are truly very professional and one of a kind.

Magical mystery evening

Have your guests spellbound and have all your guests sitting on the end of their seats. This could all come true if you hire some magical mystical acts for your event which can transform your dull usual party entertainment into something spectacular.

Why not hire an up-to-the minute illusionist that is very clever, having everyone trying to guess how on earth he managed to fool you before your very eyes? An escapologist is another act that is a race against time for him/her to get out of a life or death situation, or a contortionist that would squeeze into the tightest of spaces making it look so very easy but at the same time so mesmerising to watch.

Mind readers are always very fascinating, picking a member of the crowd and asking to write or draw something only for the Mind reader to copy exactly what they have done. 

Another great act is a hypnotist – you can book hypnotists for medical reasons or they can be booked for entertaining. They can put a group of people together and hypnotise them before hand, every-time the hypnotist says a certain word somebody does something completely out of the ordinary which can be very entertaining for you – slightly embarrassing for them!!

Trying to work out the future is something that ‘gifted’ people have been doing for centuries, whether it’s reading somebody’s palm, Crystal ball reading, or reading cards.  Each have their own unique way of interpreting what the future may hold but nonetheless all very enchanting and mysterious.

Whether or not you believe in these fortune tellers they are always very welcome at an event or party.

You could be having a charity event where a Palmist, Crystal ball reader or Tarot card reader would raise lots of money with your paying guests.  Or you could be having a fete where acts such as these would draw a crowd.

You can be sure that all the acts you see advertised are professional in what they do and are the best of the best.  Our Red Masque directory will give you a brief insight into each act and then it is up to you to decide which you would like.  Once you have decided you are able to fill out an online form which will go straight to your act, they will be in contact to discuss dates and services. 

Soul, RnB or Motown?

These types of bands play music that is like the soundtrack of your life; up beat at one moment, soulful and heartfelt at another, but always delivered with style!

Rhythm and blues (R&B or RnB) originated from adding a strong beat to jazz and adding lyrics about life, love and freedom. Now it’s a genre of soul music that stretches from funk to ska, to hip hop, and encompasses artists as diverse as Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Whitney Houston, Elvis, The Rolling Stones, Tina Turner, and Mariah Carey.

Soul music is the love child of rhythm and blues and jazz, with American gospel as an auntie. Born in the late 1950s, soul music combines irresistible rhythms and powerful, heartfelt vocals that have defined pop music and funk alike. Think Little Richard, James Brown, Sam Cook, Jackie Wilson. Otis Redding and the queen of soul, Aretha Franklin.

Motown is a type of soul music named after the Motown record label, based in Detroit USA. The Motown sound fused soul and fledgling pop into a string of massive pop hits that have filled dance floors and discos alike ever since. You’ll know the sound when you hear it and you’ll certainly know the Motown artists: Smoky Robinson and The Miracles, Diana Ross and The Supremes, the Four Tops, Gladys Knight & the Pips, the Jackson 5 and Steve Wonder.

These types of bands play music that is like the soundtrack of your life; up beat at one moment, soulful and heartfelt at another, but always delivered with style!

What to look for in quality Soul, RnB and Motown bands.

Soul, R&B and Soul can be in all sizes, from stunning solo vocalists to full-on soul party bands and everything in between. So, how can you tell the soulful stars from the RnB also-rans?

Check their Profiles First, check out the artist and band Profiles here at Red Masque Directory. Their sample tracks and demo videos that’ll give you a good idea of what the band sound like. Is your toe tapping from the very start? Does the vocalist nail their notes and make it sound effortless too? That’s a good act. If you’re up and dancing around by bar eight, that’s a great act!

Wide range of repertoire Look for artists with a wide range of music in their playlist (it’s at the end of their Profile). The range and choice might sound a bit odd at first, as many mix modern and classic tracks in their sets. Actually, that’s a sign of great musicianship and will ensure every one of your guests has something they’ll know and love in each set – and want to dance to.

What space will my soul, RnB or Motown band require?

As you might have gathered by now, the space required depends largely on the type of band your booking. Since these acts specialise in providing a visual show as well as superb dance music, chances are they’ll need a larger space than comparative bands in other genres, such as jazz. What’s more, the more players and equipment they bring, the more space they will require both on stage and off. Also, don’t assume just because you booked a soloist they will come with just a small speaker and microphone. Chances are they will come with some very high-tech sound equipment for their backing tracks, to make sure they sound at their very best.

Swing and jive is back!

Swing and jive bands bridge the gap between the cool, laid-back sounds of jazz and classic rock bands, while performing some of the most iconic songs from the 1940s onwards. Swing and Jive Bands form the best of retro classic music that everyone knows bang up to date with energy, enthusiasm and superb musicianship. 

The style of swing and jive ranges from gentle lounge to irresistible dance floor filling sets that bring fresh energy and vintage fashions to any party, wedding or event.

What to look for in quality swing and jive bands

The best UK jive and swing bands share three essential qualities: extensive repertoire of music, excellent musicianship and an infectious sense of fun!

Most swing and jive performers have a deep-rooted affection for the music they perform and it shows in every moment of their performance. Many have a signature style of performance too, whether it’s pared-back skiffle versions of classic tracks or retro-arrangements of contemporary pop anthems.

Nearly all swing and jive bands will have a distinctive look, incorporating vintage fashions, authentic period instruments and some of the coolest haircuts you’ll see this side of London Fashion Week…

One of the key features of swing and jive bands is that their sound is immediate, energetic, almost raw, as opposed to the overproduced sound of carefully-tweaked pop album tracks. It’s this upfront, energetic sound that makes these kinds of bands so great for live events, as guests pick up on the band’s energy and your party suddenly gears up a notch or seven!

The best way to ‘get’ what a band does is to hear and see them in action. Many of the swing and jive bands at Red Masque directory feature both demo tracks and videos on their Profile page. This is a great way to discover the best band for your event, both in terms of look and sound. Try and listen to their demo tracks through quality speakers in a room rather than headphones or through your phone – it’ll give you a better feel for how the band will sound live.

What music do swing and jive bands perform?

These bands draw their music from the rich legacy of tracks from the 1930s onwards, including authentic 1940s arrangements, 1950s classic rock n roll, 1960s crooner classics right up to contemporary tracks with a retro twist.

For Jive Bands think:

1940s – up-tempo Glenn Miller Band, Count Basie, The Andrews Sisters, Cab Calloway

1950s – Bill Haley, Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis

1960s – Nina Simone, The Rat Pack, Aretha Franklin

Freak out!!

Chill out or boogie on down with the superb sounds of some of the UK’s finest soul, Motown and RnB (rhythm & blues) acts. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about booking a soul or RnB band for your special occasion.