Good old fashioned jugglers

Who doesn’t love a juggler? We’d all like to be good at juggling but unfortunately, some of us just aren’t very coordinated with our limbs. The balls go up, you’ll manage to catch two and the third will undoubtedly hit the ground. Want another go? Rather than your ability increasing, it’ll be the number of juggling balls on the ground. How do they do it? Thankfully, we don’t need to know because we can hire professional jugglers for parties and events and that’s where this blog comes in because amazingly, there are a whole host of different types of juggling entertainment.


What do you get if you combine acrobats with jugglers? As you might expect, the result is the wonderfully named Acro-Jugglers, a pair of entertainers who combine their sporty and athletic nature with the art of juggling. From juggling pins at one another a few metres apart to managing to swap juggling balls when one person is on the other’s shoulders, there is nothing these circus performers can’t do!

LED jugglers

LED jugglers combine the brilliance of juggling with the mesmerising beauty of LEDs! Available in a whole host of colours including a variety of shapes, patterns and even your company logo, you are sure to be impressed by this stunning walkabout act. Also available as a choreographed stage routine or static installation, up to 6 specialist performers are available and clients are given a choice of costuming to suit individual events.

Burlesque juggler

Burlesque juggler is inspired by the legendary actress Marlene Dietrich, a 1920-inspired act that will stun all audience members.

For those hosting a Great Gatsby-inspired corporate party or events with a vintage theme. A wonderful experience for those who love film nor or if you’re looking for something a little different. Not sure on the vintage look? This act is also available without the theming!

Contact Jugglers

A little bit different to juggling in the traditional sense of the word, contact jugglers have an incredible ability to make balls apparently levitate in the air. Well, not ‘levitate’ exactly, but making it appears as though a silver ball or two has a weightless quality. Very difficult to describe but just as hard to ever forget, hiring a contact juggler is one of the finest decision an event planner can make if they want an unforgettable experience for their guests!

What theme will you go for?

A theme will generally make a party or event a lot more memorable for those who attended, so in a lot of ways, we strongly recommend going for a theme. Not only that, but once you have settled on an idea, the party becomes a lot easier to visualise.

Would you hire circus performers in your venue ordinarily? Perhaps not. But if your theme is perfect for them then there’s an instant chance to wow your guests! Just think about the possibilities! We love the idea of ‘dare to be different’. Nobody wants the same thing all the time, so why not have a go at making your event or party extra special? Very few successful people got to where they are today without doing something a little differently.

With this in mind then, what theme should you go for? That is of course up to you! You may wish to go with something broad that is in keeping with the time of year or commemorating the reason for the event in the first place.

The most memorable corporate and private parties however, tend to be those with a clear theme like the Harry Potter, or 70’s themed inspired parties. These will be the most memorable that you probably will recall but anything goes with costumed characters and all acts decked out in superb Victorian/Sci-Fi clothes. Would you theme your event when it could look like that? We’ll leave that up to you!

Pirates of the Caribbean

As fans of Captain Jack Sparrow, we thought it might be fun to run through a few pieces of party entertainment that are sure to impress at a themed party. Whether it’s for a corporate occasion or a private event, it’s time to raise the Jolly Roger and look through the spyglass of entertainment on our roster.

Costumed Characters
Of course! The first thing your guests will see upon entering your party are the themed costumed characters meandering amongst your guests. From Jack Sparrow himself to Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann, you can rub shoulders with the best of them.

German Wheel
Who remembers that classic moment from the second film where Norrington and Will are having a sword fight on a detached water wheel whilst Jack is inside, upside down and generally all over the place on the same wooden structure? The amazing thing is that this act actually exists! A fun form of entertainment, a German Wheel show combines circus with artistry and is sure to amaze at your party!

What sort of Pirates of the Caribbean party would it be without some form of swashbuckling music entertainment? We want you to have the best and lucky for you, Red Masque directory advertise pirate party themed bands for your event!

Cocktail Bar
“Why is the rum gone?” is perhaps the most famous line from the entire Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. We don’t expect you to be able to enjoy a party without rum and thankfully, you won’t have to if you hire some tremendously talented cocktail shakers! If rum isn’t your thing then that’s just fine – other spirits are available – but personally we think a rum and coconut concoction will certainly fit with the Caribbean theme.

Aerial circus performers
Anybody who has seen Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl will be able to tell you that the curse causes an entire crew of pirates to turn into skeletons at night! Argh! Pay homage to this classic of cinema by booking aerial circus performers in full skeleton makeup to spook out the crowd! They’re sure to be fantastic for Instagram and we think you’re sure to be impressed.

Tips for organising a special event

With music being one of the most important aspects of any private party, or corporate event, you might think about a themed band or DJ to play music from the era of your wedding. For example, why not book a swing band or Jazz Band for your 50th or 60th wedding anniversary party or a Rock N Roll band for all you 1960’s or 70’s newlyweds.

Many of Red Masque performers will perform in costume which can lead to even greater entertainment if you make it compulsory that all your guests must dress up in gear that was trendy in the year you were married, especially if any of them still have original items of clothing from those days!

Maybe you were married abroad, be it Ireland, the Caribbean or Greece so why provide a band who will perform music traditional to that country; which will get everyone jigging, or a top class steel band to re-invoke the sound of the sea and the swaying palms you enjoyed on your Caribbean wedding day.

Many people choose to organise a 1st, 2nd or 3rd year wedding anniversary party featuring the same band they hired for their wedding day. Your guests will have loved them the first time around so it’s a pretty safe bet that the next performance will be just as great.

If you’re asking guests to wear fancy dress, then your room should be decorated in a similar theme.
For a personal treat you should ask all your friends to bring photos, anecdotes and tall tales about your years as a married couple. You can later compile these into an album to look back on and savour for years to come.

Book you own tribute artist

How often have you eagerly anticipated seeing your favourite band or artist live onstage, only to discover that tour tickets sold out in nanoseconds on the one morning you had a meeting at the Slough office?

Or have you calculated that with the combined cost of decent tickets which don’t have a restricted
view or are so far back you need binoculars, travel costs, parking, over-priced drinks, programmes and inevitable late night burger at 1am, you’ll be pushing £200 each?

Luckily, there is an answer – book a Tribute band instead. For the cost of you and five mates attending a major gig), you can hire a superb tribute band or act that play all your favourite tracks, not just the ones nobody wants to hear from their new album. And there are lots of tribute acts to choose from too!

Bruno finished the UK leg of his tour at the O2, so unless you can afford the cost of tickets PLUS air travel to Australia, you won’t be able to see him live this year! Instead, book a Bruno Mars tribute. If you prefer his swing albums, why not book a Rat Pack tribute act, who perform all the great hits, such as “Ain’t That a Kick in the Head”, “Mr Bo jangles” and “My Way

Why not book a diva tribute instead and have a superb night with 100% pop diva fun for friends and family, without the travel and hassle

Recreate the magic that’ll never happen again with tribute bands for some of the world’s most famous artists and bands. Tribute bands play all the hits you love, have all the moves, the costumes, the style. It’s a great way to enjoy the bands you loved as they were in the hey-day, and without the senior citizen bus passes. Tribute bands are terrific for private parties and corporate events.

All things vintage

Why not have your very own Vintage theme party and serve up vintage style beverages– why not browse our Red Masque website today to arrange the ideal food and drinks caterers for your corporate event.

Book string quartet for your vintage corporate event to give your guests the rare opportunity to relive the 1950s musical trend that was three-part harmony singing. Close harmony singing requires huge talent and many years of practice, and when executed magnificently, like our artists can, your guests will be blown away!

Vintage themed corporate events are a big hit this year. There are all sorts of great vintage style corporate entertainment to be hired, including: a 1950s inspired pool party, complete with dressed up waitresses and synchronised swimmers; seeing the likes of 40s/50s dance troupes with a Vintage DJ….

Jazz bands and orchestras dominated what we now call the ‘vintage music scene’ of the early 20th century, which became popular in the 1910s in New Orleans and quickly spread to the UK and Europe. We have a huge collection of jazz bands, duos, trios and Jazz artists to give your vintage themed corporate entertainment the sophistication and class it needs – enquire today!
Where jazz brings sophistication, class and charm; swing, jive and rock n roll will bring movement and lots of it! Get your guests dancing all night long with one of Red Masques directory artists using swing bands, jive bands or 50s style rock and roll bands.

When you book your corporate entertainment through Red Masque entertainment you are guaranteed a class act from professional musicians and entertainers.

Set the stage with LED’s

It’s one of those little things we take for granted, the glowing LED light that shows us that something is ON. Be it red or green, it’s a light that says, “Notice Me”, and it’s probably the one thing you can see at corporate events when all the lights go out on stage.

LED’s everywhere and extremely cost effective nowadays. They can brighten a whole stage and make a dark and gloomy place look wonderful. The power of LED’s is almost evident everywhere you go, for example:

• Most of Red Masque directory musicians use a PA system, and try finding one of those without LEDs on it.
• All of our artists have mobile phones, so they can contact us and clients about bookings, wherever they are in the country. What lights the screens? LEDs.
• And, of course, you wouldn’t be able to see our website in all its glory on your mobile or tablet without LED technology either.

There is one set of performers, however, who literally wouldn’t exist without LEDS; our LED light show performers. By whirling and twirling LED sights, these talented artists create intricate patterns and optical illusions in light for both indoor and outdoor venues, without the concerns over fire regulations and health and safety of their ‘real’ fire and glow counterparts.

Equally, any performers using a mobile device in their act, from iPad magicians, artists and caricaturists to function bands offering iPod-based DJ services would quite literally be out of a job.
And DJ’s and rock band lighting would be heavier, more expensive and considerably less exciting, as LED lighting is lightweight, energy efficient, cool to the touch and can create a whole variety of colours without the need for coloured ‘gels’.

Look into the future

Are you thinking about having a mystical event, where the thought of your future being read is very thought provoking? You will have to agree even if you were a bit sceptical you cannot fail to be a little intrigued?

People who read the future have been around for centuries and come in many forms it could be a Crystal Ball Reader, Palmist or a Tarot Reader.

Mind readers on the other hand as the name suggests can put on an entertaining event by reading many of your guests minds who want to participate.

Another act to consider are Hypnotists they can be used for medical issues but also for entertainment – a night with a Hypnotist can be an absolute scream, you just need to select your guests who are willing to participate. They will swear blind nothing happened when they leave the stage but leave all your watching guests in stitches at the silly things that the participants did!!

Illusionists are getting more advanced with their clever tricks that will misdirect you to looking elsewhere even though you thought you had your eye firmly on the ball – these professional and extremely clever illusionists will fool you time and time again and you will believe in Magic!!!

Magicians work the same but if you wanted the more traditional magic tricks then you are able to hire from our Red Masque Directory, from Children’s magicians to adult ones we have got something for everyone.

Or for something a little daring? Why not hire an escapologist with there up-to-the –minute death defying acts that would amaze the most sceptical of us!! An edge of your seat performance which leave little time for the escapologist to escape unhurt. We all know they will make it but it still makes up wonder ‘what if?’

Contortionists on the other hand can amaze us with bending their bodies in the tiniest of places; these contortionists can be part of a magic act where they can fit into the most impossible places making us believe that they have disappeared.

We are sure that you have found what you have been looking for by reading this – once you have decided what you want for your party event, simply book a few using an online booking form and make your event something special!!

Dance, dance, dance!

Dancers are very entertaining, and if you had an event that demanded some dancers then why not consider hiring some great dancers from Red Masque entertainment directory.

A Dance Group could be hired to dance in sync where the choreography would be done to perfection, it could be any style of dance that your taste desires from Street Dance to River Dance, Male to Female Dancers. We think we have just about all Dance groups covered advertised within our Red Masque entertainment directory.

If you having a corporate event that would require some eye candy of the female variety? If so, why don’t you hire some Podium dancers, a risqué burlesque dancer or some showgirls that would be quite a classy type of Le Lido but here in the UK.

These girls are professional, classy and have trained for hours to put on the perfect show for you.

You will be dazzled by the splendid costumes which will be worn by the Showgirls and Podium Dancers even though they’re maybe little of them!!! The burlesque will titillate and tease but done in the best possible taste!!

Salsa and Tango dancers are very now, most people want to learn the art of these sexy, sensual dances. You could hire some dancers to teach. Or if you are quite familiar of these dances you could simply hire to put on a quite splendid show that would be breath-taking and remarkable, leaving you wishing you were indeed as talented as these dancers.

Snake and Belly dancers of course seem to go hand in hand, these amazing creatures – love them or hate them have something mesmerising about them that you cannot fail to be intrigued to watch or even (if you dare) handle them.

Belly dancers have been around for centuries and it’s also a great way to keep fit. If you ever wanted to master the art of Belly Dancing, then why not hire a Belly Dancer to teach you. You will have great fun, and if your tummy is not your most favourite part of your body – well rest assured a rounded belly is considered sexy in some parts of the world!!

Or, if you wanted some themed dance acts for your special event, then why not look on our gallery of special dance acts that will enlighten your guests and create that nostalgia needed for your themed evening.

They will be dressed in the most appropriate costumes and do all the dance moves from that era it will be truly like stepping back in time and feeling the past again.

Have a look on our directory to see which dance act you could hire for your next party!!

Music is a wonderful addition

A wonderful sound of classical instruments being played is second to none, the haunting sounds of a Harpist, or the classical sound of a Pianist, the timeless sound of a Violist or a string quartet. If you wanted an upmarket affair than these are the artists to hire.

Solo musicians albeit a group of musicians they will add that extra je ne sais quoi to your special event.

Imagine the scene; a launch party for your new wine bar has finally been arranged and there is the sound of people talking and laughter -in the background is a professional pianist. A complete success and the right ambience has been created making you stand out a little from the competitors.

Karaoke has become the world’s most favourite entertainment, we are all closet singers but put a microphone in front of us when we’ve had a few sherbets and we turn into Shirley Bassey or Tom Jones!!

Live band karaoke takes traditional karaoke to another level where your live band can play along with you – so if you do make a few mistakes then your live band is able to pick up where you left behind (making you look like the star you were born to be!!)

You must admit this would be great fun to hire this at corporate events and private parties where even the shyest of persons will turn into a Diva for the night!!

Why not get some culture in your life and hire some Latin or Middle Eastern music musicians? The mystique of beautiful ladies and gentlemen dancing to this music, it could be belly dancing or Salsa – the rhythm is definitely going to get you!!

Motown and Soul is the best music of days gone by, it was so cool, black soulful funky groups to the delightful sound of Diana Ross.

Motown really turned the music industry around and today we still hear sampled copies of Motown and Soul being used today – but Motown and Soul is most synonymous with the outlandish clothing and big hair!!!

Whatever your memories of Motown and Soul, no doubt it will always have a place in your heart. Why not hire a tribute band so they can play all your favourite songs in that era, and maybe have a fancy dress too – now that would definitely be fun!!!

To hire only the best just look on the Red Masque directory to find just what you’ve been looking for to give your special event that extra special sparkle!!