History of a fire act

We love a good fire act. They know how to get a party going and instantly provide a warm atmosphere to proceedings. If you’re looking to hire fire acts then you know where to come. You’ll see something that is entertaining, safe and perfect for all guests to enjoy. .

Calling to mind the 2004 film Dodgeball, where characters are told “If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball,” you might be thinking that this is where Nejapa’s annual tradition of lobbing fire at one another came from. But no. This particular ‘festival’ has been running for hundreds of years and goes by the name of Las Bolas De Fuego (‘Balls of Fire’).

Way back in 1658, a nearby volcano erupted and laid siege to all in its wake. Incredibly, the town of Nejapa managed to avoid most of the destruction when the lava stopping just short of the local church. According to folklore – and it is a bit hazy – the town’s patron saint, San Jeronimo, wanted to douse the area in fire to get rid of the Devil or saved the town by stopping the lava from reaching the sacred building that bears his name. Whichever way you look at it, locals believe that San Jeronimo saved the town in some form so to celebrate they chuck fire at one another. That’s probably the only part of this festival that isn’t disputed.

So how do you set up the world’s most volatile festival? First, you soak rags in kerosene for a month before the matches and lighters are brought out. Wearing Halloween costumes – we know it’s starting to sound a lot like The Purge – participants then wear protective gloves and chuck fire at each other. That’s it. That’s the only rule. Even if you’re only watching, you’re still allowed to be hit so maybe observe from affair. Not only do people chuck the fire at each other, they even engage in hand to hand combat. It’s chaos. Utter chaos as you can see below.

As of 2015, ‘few serious injuries have been reported’, although what denotes serious is never explained. You can rest assured we’ll never advertise this form of entertainment for your event but it’s certainly a fascinating fact, isn’t it?!

Joker in the pack

We have all shuffled a pack of cards. Most probably own at least one, just in case we want to practice a couple of magic tricks to entertain guests. You normally take the playing cards from the pack, take out the Jokers and start dealing the cards. But have you ever stopped to wonder where the Joker comes from and why it is there? Well we have the information that you require!

The Joker itself was invented sometime around 1860 by players of the card game Euchre, a trick-taking trump card game for four players. Relying on memory, tactics and good communication, you don’t use the entire deck but somewhere between 24 and 32 cards. It was believed to be introduced to the US by German settlers, though this is in dispute and it may also have been introduced to the American mainland by immigrants from Cornwall and Devon.

In the 1860s, some American card players of Euchre devised some new rules for their beloved game. The problem? It required an extra card. Sure, they could have used one of the spare cards from the deck, but since all the face cards are part of the game, this wouldn’t have been a ‘good fit’. They referred to the new card they came up with as the Best Bower, adding it to the game where it became the highest trump card available.

Looking to make a quick buck from these variation rules, American card manufacturers quickly jumped on the trend by including a couple of extra cards in their decks. The British were a little slower to catch on though, only adding them in during the 1880s.

The Best Bower card was slowly phased out to become the Joker or Jolly Joker that we all know and love today. Like the Ace of Spades, it was typically branded with the company logo or with a unique floral motif that connected it to the manufacturer. It wasn’t until the Joker title for the card became more common that it was almost always represented by a performing jester.

Despite the fact you may think the Joker is connected in some way to the Fool in Tarot cards, you might be interested to know that there is no connection at all. Tarot cards have been around since the 15th century when jesters were still a possible career option and there is no link to the Jokers in a pack of cards.

As unique as Madame Tussauds

When trying to think of a unique party venue to hire that would kick off this series perfectly, we decided on the fabulous Madame Tussauds on Baker Street. So let’s get all Sherlock Holmes and see just what it has to offer!

Known for its incredible waxworks of famous celebrities, Madame Tussauds is in fact a celebrity in its own right when it comes to the events scene, having been a popular choice for event hire for well over fifty years. Still extremely popular every year for high profile celebrity product launches, the venue is able to accommodate up to 1,000 guests!

There’s not one, not two but five immersive and interactive themed areas that can be fully adaptable to your requirements. Looking to have dinner there? No problem! You’re looking to hire a speaker to deliver a speech in that corner? Almost any idea is doable within Madame Tussauds, with the vast amounts of space been particularly appealing to many a corporate client.

Of the multiple spaces, the largest is the World Stage Ballroom, which is perfect for awards ceremonies and other high level events. Equipped with a large stage, back projected screen, plasma screens and a full lighting rig, it can make an evening truly spectacular and is perfect for delivering entertainment to your guests, ensuring a prime view for everybody in the room.

Madame Tussauds is one of the UK’s favourite venues, twice voted the number 1 events venue in London by the readers of Event Magazine and it isn’t hard to see why. With removable walls, LED and spot lighting and a high end sound system, it really is a must-see!

Incorporate some swing into your event

The style of swing and jive ranges from gentle lounge to irresistible dance floor filling sets that bring fresh energy and vintage fashions to any party event entertainment.

Most swing and jive performers have a deep-rooted affection for the music they perform and it shows in every moment of their performance. Many have a signature style of performance too, whether it’s pared-back skiffle versions of classic tracks or retro-arrangements of contemporary pop anthems.

Swing and jive bands bridge the gap between the cool, laid-back sounds of jazz and classic rock bands, while performing some of the most iconic songs from the 1940s onwards. Swing and Jive Bands form the best of retro classic music that everyone knows bang up to date with energy, enthusiasm and superb musicianship.

Nearly all swing and jive bands will have a distinctive look, incorporating vintage fashions, authentic period instruments and some of the coolest haircuts you’ll see this side of London Fashion Week…

One of the key features of swing and jive bands is that their sound is immediate, energetic, almost raw, as opposed to the overproduced sound of carefully-tweaked pop album tracks. It’s this upfront, energetic sound that makes these kinds of bands so great for live event entertainment, as guests pick up on the band’s energy and your party suddenly gears up a notch or seven!

What music do swing and jive bands perform?

These bands draw their music from the rich legacy of tracks from the 1930s onwards, including authentic 1940s arrangements, 1950s classic rock n roll, 1960s crooner classics right up to contemporary tracks with a retro twist.

For Jive Bands think:

1940s – up-tempo Glenn Miller Band, Count Basie, The Andrews Sisters, Cab Calloway

1950s – Bill Haley, Elvis, Frank Sinatra, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis

1960s – Nina Simone, The Rat Pack, Aretha Franklin

The smoothest way to host a party

With these clever tips, you can keep your guests happy and occupied—and make yourself less stressed, from hello to good-by. Here are some handy ideas for planning a party to help make it an enjoyable and stress free experience for you too…

Guests go where the action is—besides, they want to socialise with the host. Be ready to make them feel welcome.

Welcome help. Reserve certain small jobs for early birds and those who shy away from being chatty. Offer the sorts of tasks you could give to an older child: setting out dishes and cutlery, plating hors d’oeuvres, filling the water jugs, or putting bread rolls in a basket.

Hide signs of stress. If anything makes a guest feel guiltier than watching the host do dishes after the meal, it’s watching her do them before the meal. Use the dishwasher as a hiding spot for dirty dishes even those you’ll ultimately wash by hand.

Go with the sort of low-key nibbles you would find in a classy bar: small bowls of nuts, Bombay mix, and olives.

Spirited conversation is a dinner party’s bread and butter, but sometimes it needs a nudge.
Manage moods. At holiday time, people tend to arrive hungry (and ready to indulge), so don’t make them wait too long for the main event.

Use a white tablecloth, white dishes, and just one or two rich accent colours and centrepieces should be tall enough to talk under or short enough to talk over.

A place card for everyone. Seating plans may seem formal, but they actually make guests more comfortable. Think about who would benefit from particular placement: small children (seat near a parent), couples (split them up to encourage mixing), and hearing-impaired guests (reserve a quiet corner chair or seat them front and centre, depending on personality). Then fill in the blanks.

Turn a table into a convenient, arm’s reach refilling station. Load it with wine, jugs of water, and spare utensils to eliminate supply runs.

Be present. Each time you get up to fetch something, you essentially abandon your guests. A host’s primary duty isn’t to feed people but to spend time with them. Serve family-style, and forget cleaning up mid-event. Carrying plates to the kitchen is one thing; but once you turn on a tap, you’ve dissolved the festivity.

To really spoil guests, set out the dessert —fancy chocolates or salted caramels—while you ready the baked goods. (Don’t forget the desserts that guests brought!) Sweet cheeses and nuts with a dessert wine provide the right coda for the sugar-averse.

Wow your guests

As with most corporate events, décor will be key and 2017 is no exception. Your venue needs to wow your guests from the moment they walk in, creating a special and uniquely defined space for your event. Two highly contrasting themes are high tech interactive and natural materials, enabling your company to show off its tech prowess, or boost its eco credentials.

You could extend the theme beyond décor and food into acoustic musical acts, for a more ‘natural’ sound.

Take lighting to the next level and illuminate your event to create spectacle and visual interest. Any venue can be transformed with clever and creative use of lighting even on the more limited of budgets. Use lighting to throw unusual shadows, to colour tables rather than using flowers, and use wireless technology to alter lighting states to reflect the various stages of your event. Look for party DJ’S with their own light shows, rock and pop function bands that provide their own lighting, and artists that use light in imaginative ways.

For larger events, book artists that have a strong visual impact enhanced by theatrical style lighting, such as dance troupes, ballet dancers or aerial artists.

Choose musicians that blend performances with tech, such as our interactive VJ’S, or a live DJ. Get
your guests interacting with each other playing giant games with your very own theme.

Find ways to make your party entertainment a pleasure for everyone by choosing acts that blend superb musicianship with accessible humour, such as a comedy string quartet. Or present musical acts with an international flavour, such as 1920s swing band just make people smile!

Was this year’s office party one to remember?

The office party can be looked upon with dread or with happiness. Of course it all depends on what the office party will include. Office parties have a few main principles; these include food, entertainment and drink. This blog is to give you a couple of unique extra ideas on these areas and they are sure to keep you onto an office party winner.

Jazz your office party by hiring professional party catering. Yes sandwiches and tea cakes are perfectly fine, but don’t you think they are quite mundane and well… boring? Your food should taste amazing and memorable so why not hire a fish and chip van. The fish and chip van could arrive at your venue and serve all your lovely team with scrumptious traditional fish and chip food. This is a fun twist on office party catering and nothing creates positive talk than good food.

Your party entertainment depends on your budget and also party style. In most cases office parties have quite refined budgets which can make it quite tricky to find top class entertainment. But please, from my own experience… do not cut corners when it comes to your entertainment. This will only end in heartbreak, and nobody wants that. Research what others office parties have and shop around your area for the best. You could hire a DJ to come into your office to really get the party going. Most DJ’s will also know various party games, so again this is an extra bonus. Another unique idea would be to hire a fun casino. The fun casino will come into your office venue and set up various casino tables for you and your fellow employees to play. Games include Blackjack, Roulette and Poker. Each casino table will have a trained croupier dealing the cards who will also explain each game to your team. This is fun source of party and event entertainment and also a great ice breaker

Your drinks will depend on whether your office party is consuming alcohol or not. But whether your drinks or alcoholic or non-alcoholic a perfect source of beverages is to hire a cocktail artist. The artist will set up your personal bar in your venue and make fresh and unique drinks and even serve them to your guests. This is the perfect idea to make your drinks really stand out from the crowd.

Choose A Great Venue

If you choose a great party venue you won’t need to spend as much time dressing it up to look good. There are loads of interesting venues out there to suit a wide variety of styles and themes. Have a look and visit before you hire.

Remember that if guests are travelling from out of the area, it helps if the venue is easy to find. Consider how easy it is to find parking, and also how much accommodation is available near by. The easier it is for your guests to attend, the more likely they are to come.
Entertain Your Guests, Book A Live Band
Most people are happy to have a party DJ, but anyone who’s been to a party with a live band will tell you how much better the night was.

You need something to really get guests excited and live party bands do exactly that. They’re interactive, energetic and fun. Not everyone likes to dance, but with a great live band, performing the best classic and modern party songs, even the most ardent anti-dancers will be rocking out, arm in arm, singing along on the dance floor with guests they only met a few hours ago.

Book a live band and they’ll make the party. It’s a sound investment and your guests will love you for it.
Drinks On Arrival To Welcome Guests
It’s a small touch that really shows you care about welcoming your guests, and it ensures everyone feels positive as soon as they arrive. It’s your way to thank people for coming, and it gets people in the mood to party.

In a practical sense, it also helps to alleviate the early queues at the bar, something which is sure to dampen spirits and cause frustration.

Some venues will arrange for a member of staff to personally serve drinks as your guests arrive, or you can choose to have a selection of drinks available on tables near the entrance.

As a side note, when you book your venue, get a confirmation of how many bar staff are included. Make sure you’ll get enough bar staff to ensure a fast turn around of drinks at the bar, otherwise guests will spend the whole night there.

Great ways to remember your event

Be it a corporate event, private party or wedding there are a number of ways to look back on your event that don’t include photography. Here, we run through five brilliant ways to remember your event!


If you’re looking to hire a caricaturist for an event, then you have got to make sure that you are fine with having your eyebrows accentuated and your nose looking a little larger than in real life. But that’s all part of the fun! A good caricaturist knows how to draw a cartoon-style representation of their subject without causing offence and the best part is that with modern technology being what it is, you can take home a paper or digital version.

Silhouette Artist

The heights of the vaudeville era are in full display in the form of a silhouette artist, who can snip your profile into a piece of black card in the space of a matter of minutes. The best bit about this incredible form of entertainment is that you can go home and frame your silhouette later, with each individual creation being stuck onto a quality back lining.

Screen Printing

Whether you call it screen printing, letter pressing or something completely different, these fabulous contraptions can have you created your very own work of art in no time! Popular at Somerset House every summer, you too can discover the art of the print. Remember not to limit yourself to paper or card; should you so desire you can create your design on a T-shirt. Wear your creation and remember that party in style!

Ideas for a Toga Party

A Toga party! A night to celebrate your pledged Greek loyalty by participating in traditional toga wear and drinking games. We should preface this guide to Greek-glory-seeking by recommending you party responsibly by hiring Party Buses or Chauffeurs to get you where you need to go. Now grab your bedsheets and your beer, and let’s have a Toga Party!

The Attire

There are only a few requirements for throwing a Toga Party. First and foremost: dress code. No Toga, no party. To create your Toga, you will need white bed sheets, rope sandals, and an ivy headdress. Cut, wrap, and tie your bedsheets into a Roman-inspired dress. This is a universal look, but creativity is expected. Construct an ivy halo from materials found at your local craft store (if you’ve been day-drinking and this sounds difficult, the halo is optional). Throw on the hippie rope sandals you’ve been saving in your closet since freshman year, and you’re ready to go!

The Drinking Games
Organised games for your party-goers are a must. Expect your guests to be three sheets to the wind at this point, so keep game rules buzz-friendly. Choose games like Chariot Races, where participants will pair up for a piggy-back race to the finish line without spilling their beers, or Still As Roman Statues, where your party-goers will pose as Greek statues and see who lasts the longest. Beer Pong and Flip Cup are also acceptable.

The Entertainment
Although Grecian-inspired games and drinking contests are entertaining in their own right, it’s best to have multiple forms of event entertainment for your guests. Book a DJ or Band to keep the party alive all night long. Hire a Bartender to serve up Roman-inspired cocktails and beer.
Togas, drinking, and Roman-inspired games – it’s pretty hard to mess this up. Just have fun and drink responsibly, and don’t forget Toga! Toga! Toga!