Magical, mystical events

Are you thinking about having a mystical event, where the thought of your future being read is very thought provoking? You will have to agree even if you were a bit sceptical you cannot fail to be a little intrigued?

People who read the future have been around for centuries and come in many forms it could be a Crystal Ball Reader, Palmist or a Tarot Reader.

Mind readers on the other hand as the name suggests can put on an entertaining event by reading many of your guests minds who want to participate.

Another act to consider are Hypnotists they can be used for medical issues but also for entertainment – a night with a Hypnotist can be an absolute scream, you just need to select your guests who are willing to participate. They will swear blind nothing happened when they leave the stage but leave all your watching guests in stiches at the silly things that the participants did!!

Illusionists are getting more advanced with their clever tricks that will misdirect you to looking elsewhere even though you thought you had your eye firmly on the ball – these professional and extremely clever illusionists will fool you time and time again and you will believe in Magic!!!

Magicians work the same but if you wanted the more traditional magic tricks then you are able to hire the best party entertainers from our Red Masque Directory, from Children’s magicians to adult ones we have got something for everyone.

Or for something a little daring? Why not hire an escapologist with there up-to-the –minute death defying acts that would amaze the most sceptical of us!! An edge of your seat performance which leave little time for the escapologist to escape un-hurt. We all know they will make it but it still makes up wonder ‘what if?’

Contortionists on the other hand can amaze us with bending their bodies in the tiniest of places; these contortionists can be part of a magic act where they can fit into the most impossible places making us believe that they have disappeared.

We are sure that you have found what you have been looking for by reading this – once you have decided what you want for your event, simply book a few using an online booking form and make your event something special!!

Truly unique

We at Red Masque have the best unique artists to hire out for your special event; we have below suggested some great things to consider. It’s quite hard to come up with different things to do so we hope we have just given you a little taster of what we have on offer:

If you do decide for your party that you are going to travel into town and visit some extravagant wine bars, why not hire a limo and be treated like a star all night too! You could include some true star quality and hire Paparazzi photographers to follow you wherever you go – you’ll be guaranteed to attract plenty of attention and have some fabulous shots of your night to treasure forever!

If you think that your party group are the outdoors type, then have you considered organise some giant games to play outside. Another great idea is circus training! Your party can learn a range of amazing circus tricks taught by professionals and come away from the party with a skill to enjoy and show-off for life. These artists are so much fun and guaranteed to thrill all your guests.

How about a Murder Mystery Night? Mingle your guests with brilliant characters and watch a murder unfold before your eyes leaving the guests as detectives trying to found out “who dunnit”! It’s a superbly thrilling evening where you learn who to trust and who not to trust while you work out who committed the terrible crime but beware of twists in the tale….!

Alternatively, you could hire some themed dance acts to really get all your guests in the spirit at they dance the night away in their themed dress. Don’t forget to include some suitable dance entertainment such as some Burlesque dancers which will be very entertaining for both sexes. There are a whole host of entertainment to book, just glance through all of our entertainment for hire to give you some more ideas.

We hope we’ve given you some food for thought.

Ideas for walkabout artists

There are many brilliant musical strolling acts or bands that wander around guests at events. It’s actually quite common these days.

Why not book a walkabout artist wearing mirrors, a strolling act that incorporates 6,000 mirrors into its performance? No matter where you are, you can always check what you look like! Available as a walkabout character and living statue, he is the epitome of ambient entertainment and is sure to make a stir at your event. Cameras at the ready!

A unique strolling entertainment act that are loved wherever they go, living topiary are sure to raise a smile from even the most Scrooge-like of guests at your event! Approaching them, you may be unsure if they are hedges shaped liked humans (which would be impressive in and of itself as I totally can’t do that and not because I don’t a hedge…well partly because of that) but no, when the ‘hedge shaped men’ begin moving, people are always amazed! Living Topiary are the act to have at your next event.

So how about an impressive speaking act you’ll see all year. A fantastic poet will wow you. Able to string together an accomplished poem with five of your chosen words in mere seconds, this poet is as spontaneous an act as they come.


Well, it wouldn’t be an event without a magician, would it? But how to make a magician stand out at your party? Well before you can say ‘magic!’ A fantastic Christmas magician get-up that is sure to go down a storm at your Christmas party. Also suitable for many other functions including parties and product launches, these magicians are sure to impress with his conjuring.

Make everyone happy!

Imagine you are onstage performing and looking out at your audience. You want to connect with these people. If they are seated too far away, directly to your right or left, behind the stage or behind an obstruction; you—the performer—can’t reach the audience, and they—the audience—are likely to get frustrated and not enjoy the show. No one likes to stare at the back of someone’s head.

1. Set them up to see the show.

Seat your audience in FRONT of your stage and LIGHT your performers.

Avoid seating any audience members directly to the right or left, around a corner or especially behind the stage. It’s nearly impossible for the performers to connect with these people and they will likely stare at the side or back of the party performers for the whole performance or worse yet—miss the show completely.

If necessary, use the space directly to the sides of the stage for the buffet or bars, a photo booth, displays, etc. Leaving it open is even better.

If your space is narrow, seat the audience deep (vertically) versus spread side to side (horizontally). This will at least make the stage visible to most, if not all of your audience, even if they are a bit further away. And the event performers won’t feel like they’re turning their backs on some folks.

And be sure the performers will be lit with flattering stage lighting if the performance space will be dark.

2. Get cosy.

Seat your audience CLOSE to the stage and CLOSE to one another.

Great performers like to engage with their audience and make them feel included. If the first row of tables or chairs is too far away, that feels like dead space to the audience and the performers.

Seat the first row of the audience as close as five feet away from the front edge of the stage if possible and don’t spread the audience out too much. Keeping it all contained keeps the performance energy locked together.

If you have a lot of space, set up the extras (like the buffet, bars, etc.) behind the seating area, or just keep that space open. But get the audience close to the show!

3. A pillar is not your friend.

Don’t BLOCK your audience’s view of the stage.

Whenever possible, seat people to the right or left of any sort of obstruction. Unless, of course, you’re hosting superheroes and they all have X-ray vision. Most people will feel miffed if they are seated behind a pillar.

Keep this in mind when choosing a venue. If there are a lot of obstructions, look elsewhere if you’re hoping for full capacity!

4. Distraction ruins a show.

Set up ACTION spots away from the line of view of the stage.

As a performer, one of the worst things in the world is to have a constant visual or audio distraction anywhere near the stage during a show.

5. Allow plenty of time to set up and communicate.

Check in with your performers beforehand and build in ample set-up time on the day.

Make sure you have a conversation with the agent or performers before the event date. Send a mock-up drawing of your audience setup if you are unsure and get their input.

Then, on the day, be sure to give the performers plenty of time to get their sound equipment loaded in, set up, sound checked and get out of view before the audience starts coming in.

A little forethought and event planning is sure to make your event go off without a hitch. If you have a hard time envisioning a stage or an audience in your event space, enlist the help of a friend, a professional event planner or ask a performer or stage technician for help! Happy Planning!

A Vintage Circus Party

Ever since “Water for Elephants” hit the theatres, we’ve been in love with the Vintage Circus party theme. The idea has been around for a while, but it’s still one of the most visually exciting party themes out there! Plus, you can add all kinds of amazing live entertainment to take things up a notch. We have a few ideas to bring your Vintage Circus party to life.


Stripes are an easy way to incorporate that circus feel into your party. If you can’t have the actual big top tent, bringing the red and white stripes into your decor will do the trick. Hanging a backdrop of alternating white and red scarves or sheets can mimic the tent, as well. Try and find faded red to add to the vintage theme. Banners with alternating flags are another simple yet effective decoration. Luckily, balloons are inexpensive and fit beautifully into a Circus theme. Hang balloons from the ceiling and pair with white lights or scarves for a simple, yet gorgeous setting.

If your budget is a little higher, you could have marquee letters with lights spell out “CIRCUS” (or maybe the name of the guest/guests of honour).

Invitations are really fun for this theme. Create and print postcards announcing “The Circus is Coming to Town” with all of your event details.


What foods do you love at the circus? hot dogs, or candy floss? All great ideas for your Vintage Circus party! Set up a self-serve table with all of your favourites and let your guests take their pick. Or if you’d rather have someone else take care of the details and add an element of authenticity, try bringing in a company to provide candy floss hot dogs, and more.

If your party includes a cake, there are tons of amazing designs out there. Professional cake decorators can help your vision come to life, or simplify things with a cupcake tower instead! Just frost them in your theme colours, add a printable toothpick flag, and you’re set.

To dress up your food table a bit, print labels in a fun “Circus” font.

Party Entertainment

While it would be amazing to have an elephant in your backyard, it’s not entirely probable. That doesn’t mean you can’t have awe-inspiring entertainment at your Vintage Circus party! In fact, some of our favourite types of corporate event entertainment live in this category. If you have the space, Aerialists put on some amazing shows in the air above the party. Jugglers, Fire eaters, and Acrobats can also take advantage of the area and keep your guests mesmerized.

If space is a little tight, try up-close and personal entertainment like Mind readers, Tarot Card Readers, or Street Magicians Have some kids at the party? Balloon Moddlers and Face Painters are always a great addition to Circus parties!

Black History Month Assembly

Black History Month was established in 1976 by President Gerald Ford, declaring that U.S. citizens “seize the opportunity to honour the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavour throughout our history.”


Professional storytellers have the unique ability to take a subject and weave it into a tale that grabs the audience and doesn’t let go. Most children love hearing stories, and you can add an historical twist with the right storyteller. Bring your Black History assembly to life with a storyteller that can share about the inspirational lives of Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr., Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, and more.

African Music and Dance

If you’re looking for something that’s more captivating and engaging, try including an African Music or Dance group in your school assembly. Many traditional African musicians use drums and/or koras (a 21-stringed instrument made from a large gourd) to create beautiful and fascinating music. Some groups enhance the experience with griots, which are West Africans musicians, poets, and storytellers.


Poets: take social, political, emotional, and historical issues and form them into powerful poetry. You can speak with them ahead of time to see if they have material that fits the message you’d like to convey, and some may even be able to create new material for your students. These speakers would probably work better with older students, such as junior high or high schoolers, since the performances can be intense or contain complex symbolism.

Tribute Artists

There’s no doubt that history is filled with amazing musicians and singers from the last several decades, so why not highlight them during your Black History Month assembly? Bring a tribute artist to your students and let them experience some “new” music! In the days where iTunes rule, a tribute performance can bring the past to life for them. Shake up the usual routine with a tribute to the “Velvet Voice of Our Time” Nat King Cole, the king of soul Ray Charles, or the power of Diana Ross. Your students will definitely find inspiration in the legacy that these artists have left behind.

Professional Speakers

Is your school in need of inspiration? No one does it better than Motivational Speakers. Using both personal narratives and historical examples, these speakers can help students understand the struggles that have been faced in America’s past, and motivate them to rise above adversity.

The world of sports has changed dramatically over the years, thanks to ground-breaking Black athletes such as Muhammed Ali, Michael Jordan, Mike Tyson to name a few. Whether you’re presenting an assembly for all students or motivating your school’s sports team, an Athletic Speaker can be the key. Most speakers can tailor their presentation around specific content (such as prominent black athletes in sports history) to reach your audience with your intended message.

Elementary my dear Watson!!

Are you a fan of Sherlock Holmes or do you love a good detective series? Whichever person you are; you’ll still love our fabulous ideas to create an unmissable Sherlock Holmes party theme.


This game basic format allows for a variety of guests to ultimately solve a crime through a variety of teambuilding activities. Do you have what it takes to be a resident of 221b Baker Street or are you resigned to simply writing about the case in a style of Rd. Watson?


Aside from cracking crimes, Sherlock Holmes is also known for his love of music, in particular gazing out at London’s clientele whilst playing a good old-fashioned violin. a violinist will no doubt go down a storm at your Sherlock party.

Costumed Character

Now what about putting that violinist into a costume? We can see it now. Deerstalker hat? Pipe? Whether you’re thinking the old fashioned version of Sherlock Holmes or the new Benedict Cumberbatch infused creation, we’re more than confident that tweed will get a look in. But which other characters should be present? Rd. Watson? Mrs. Hudson? An appearance from Moriarty wouldn’t go a miss either.

Silhouette Artist

These amazing silhouette artists can even cut in various props should you desire them. So yes, every guest could be posing with a Sherlock themed prop if you so wanted! All that’s required is paper, scissors and a little time to stand still and your guests can go home with a wonderful original prop to remind them of the evening!

Eyecon Art

Eyecon Art is one of the coolest new acts on the entertainment events circuit. Sitting down with your guests, a photographer will take a photo of your eye, which you can then be sent at a later date. Now in terms of looking for clues, it’s all about seeing the bigger picture…and who hasn’t seen a famous drawing of Sherlock Holmes with a magnifying glass to his eye?

If you’re holding a Sherlock Holmes party or have been inspired by some of the various acts, then do have a look on our website to inspire you even more!

Your very own BAFTA award ceremony

With the BAFTAs, Oscars and the BRIT Awards all upcoming this month, we are fully invested in awards shows and awards month, so today we’re taking a look at how to make your awards show that much more exciting!

Unless you’re actually shortlisted or nominated for an award, an awards evening can be a rather dull affair. Thankfully, here are five fabulous ways to improve the awards evening using event entertainment.

Live Show

This goes without saying but many people don’t really ever think about it, despite the fact that every famous awards show tends to begin with one hell of an exciting opening. Simply look on Twitter the day after a big awards bash and no doubt an eight-minute host –led song and dance routine will have had the crowd in raptures. You might not have the budget to hire Huge Jackman, but there are always other options. An indoor fire display is sure to get the pulse racing ahead of the nominations.

Awards Stings

We’ve all seen awards shows on television and to be honest, they all do the same frustrating thing when somebody wins an award. The lucky winner stands up, hugs a few people nearby and then proceeds to the stage whilst a brass band play. A brass band? This is 2016! Let’s liven it up a bit. If you hire a beatbox crew, you get an astonishing slice of entertainment every few minutes.

Cocktail Maker

Why not make getting a drink a little bit more fun than usual? The easy way to do this is to hire a few cocktail makers who understand the art of theatrics and entertainment in putting together a cocktail. It is not simply pouring a few liquids together but perhaps setting it alight, throwing it up and down and adding an umbrella at the end.

Vintage Paparazzi

With vintage paparazzi at your event, everybody will get their photo taken and feel like their privacy is being invaded just like the celebrities you see in the paper. Great fun and you’ll get to sigh with relief that it doesn’t happen to you every day!

Throw a 50’s Party

The ’50s were a time when America was finally recovering from the war, rock ‘n’ roll was emerging, Hollywood ruled, and screaming teenage girls were swooning over Elvis. Are there better reasons to throw a party? Ladies, break out your A-Line skirts, and guys, slick back your hair. It’s time for a 1950s Party!

Decorations and Costumes

Vintage diners can provide inspiration for a great backdrop for your ’50s party. Think black and white checkered floors, and bold, retro fonts on your invitations and signs. Pink, aqua, and black are also traditional “diner” colours but feel free to be creative!

Charity shops are a great place to find old records that can be re-purposed for all kinds of things. Create cupcake stands or mould them into serving bowls for crisps. You can also stick them on the wall for quick and easy decor! Look for old Coca Cola crates to use for serving drinks, or antique tin ad signs to use in your decoration.

You could also go more Hollywood glam, and decorate with silver, crystal beads, ostrich feathers, and red carpet. Fill martini glasses with crystals, or tall vases with white ostrich feathers for easy centrepieces. Leave feather boas or beaded necklaces on the tables for guests to try on. Old Marilyn Monroe movies are perfect for inspiration, or just surf the web for images from that era.

Wondering what to wear? Think Grease. For ladies, the ’50s look was longer skirts with collared blouses or T-shirts, a coordinating scarf tied around the neck or ponytail, and ankle socks with sandal shoes. High ponytails with tight curls are a classic girly hairstyle. For guys who want a tough look, pair a leather jacket with tight jeans and a plain white T-shirt. Don’t forget the greased pompadour! For a more conservative look, tuck a short-sleeved collared shirt into slacks and add a bow tie. Part your hair to the side and you’re set.

Old Hollywood costumes are all about the sparkle. Beads, sequins, glitter, and form-fitting dresses were “in” as women started embracing their curves. Throw on a feathered boa or sheer shawl to top it off. For guys, tuxedos are perfect. If not, a tailored suit will also work!

Food and Drink

Serve the classics! Hamburgers, hot dogs, fries, and milkshakes are great for a retro menu. Toss some glass bottles in ice, and don’t forget the red and white striped straws! Fill old sweets jars with classic candy like gumballs or liquorice, and set up a ginger beer float station to complete the vintage vibe. Or just add a 50’s twist to classic desserts like cupcakes, cakes, or cookies.


Keep your guests talking about your party entertainment long after it’s over with a little 1950’s Entertainment. Celebrity Impersonators like Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley will add excitement to the party, try a Big Band or hire a Tribute Band to get your guests up and dancing!

Hire a Photo Booth and provide some ’50s-themed props (cat-eye glasses, paper soda jerk hats, bow ties, scarves, boas, sunglasses, etc.), or set up your own. You could also provide photo ops with larger cut-outs, like convertibles, Hollywood premiers, or vintage signs.

Games like the limbo, hula-hooping contests, and hopscotch were all popular back then, so set up a space to hold some friendly competitions.

Great ideas for the oldies

Someone special in your life is about to turn 80 years old or even 90. It’s a milestone! They’ve lived a long life and you’re ready to celebrate. Here are a few party ideas to make your loved one’s birthday special.

Know the difference between surprising and startling.

Many older people like quiet, calm surroundings. It’s very sweet to throw them a surprise party, but you don’t want to alarm them. Instead of leaping out from behind furniture and shouting “SURPRISE!” just assemble the guests in a room with balloons and party hats. The surprise will speak for itself.

Select your guest list carefully.

You know your loved one best. Would they prefer a small, intimate gathering of close family and friends, or a big surprise party with extended family? Make sure the guest list works well with the environment they favour.

Opt for daytime over the evening.

Chances are, at the age of 80/90, they’re early to bed, early to rise. You don’t want to plan a party for them in the evening hours when they may be tired or not up for it. Instead, opt for a midday party or luncheon. That way, they’ll have plenty of energy to keep up with their guests!

Get sentimental.

One of the most important things you can give someone for their 80th/90th birthday is your appreciation for the memories shared. Collect photos from other family members and friends to create a slideshow. Pair it with a beautiful song and you’ve got yourself an unforgettable birthday gift. Just don’t forget the tissues!

Take photos.

This is a big moment in your loved one’s life and you’ll want to look back on it someday. This is a great opportunity to get a photo of multiple generations if you have extended family present. Ask your Photographer for advice on staging your photos and make sure to get some candid shots as well!

Celebrate with a custom cake.

This is a special birthday! Ask your Cake Decorator to create a cake that celebrates the occasion and ties in the birthday gal or guy’s interests. You could get a cake inspired by one of the activities they love like crossword puzzles, gardening, knitting, painting, or card games.

Serve their favourite foods.

You probably know them pretty well by now. Whip up some of their favourite dishes or hire a Caterer to do the cooking for you. Nothing says “special birthday” like a buffet in your honour!

Entertainment is a nice touch for some.

For many, entertainment is a great way to celebrate a birthday. Some older folks don’t always have the energy to go out to a concert, but you can bring the show to them as an alternative! If they love music, search for an act you think they’d like. Opera, Jazz, Barbershop Quartets, and Singing Telegrams are all great options! On the other hand, if your loved one has a great sense of humour, you may want to hire a Comedian to entertain your family instead. You could even fill them in on some of your family secrets for a special roast – all in good fun, of course!

At the end of the day, you just want to make sure that the birthday boy/girl is feeling loved and appreciated. They’ve made it this far with the help of wonderful family and friends like you. Now go give them the birthday party of a lifetime!