Origin of National Playday

National Playday started way back in the UK in 1986 when money was tight and adventure playgrounds were under fire to have budget cuts. The idea arose for the great British public to have one day a year, usually the first Wednesday every August, in which they could enjoy the playground activities and highlight how important they are to society.

Well 27 years later the national day is still going strong and it is bigger and better than ever before! It is coordinated by Play England, Play Wales, Play Scotland and PlayBoard Northern Ireland.
Why is playing so important?
Playing is essential to a child’s learning and development. It teaches sharing, it encourages confidence and more importantly, it allows them to have an enjoyable childhood.
It is vital for the emotional, intellectual and physical development and it offers children of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to play together.

But that doesn’t mean that adults can’t get involved and be ‘big’ kids for the day.

Whether it is a low-key get together private party with family and friends or a big party full or entertainment in your street, get involved and play games.
Not sure what to do? Here are 6 funtastic ideas for all the family:
Walkabout artists for hire
Party Bands
Magicians for hire
Acrobats for hire
Party Entertainers

Just let your imagination run wild and use as many party suppliers as you can to make your event run as smoothly as possible.