Festive events


Now girls, you know you need the ultimate party butler or butlers for your Christmas party! Or even if you don’t even have an excuse for a party!!  A bit of eye candy never goes a miss, he’ll be able to serve up your favourite drinks all evening.

Whether he is topless or naked (of course an apron to cover his modesty) then these butlers will certainly liven up your event.  Serving up some treats for you girls or mixing a few of your favourite cocktails, these toned butlers will be just perfect.


How about having a Robot or two at your festive event? These must-have robots are quite handy at serving too. They are all the rage at the moment from talking robots, to serving robots, they can even meet and greet your guests which of course will be a talking point for months to come.

You can ask your robot to customise your event so you get him to do the right thing at the right time, for example it maybe a group of robots performing a dance or just one or two mingling with you crowd – you have to agree this is very unique!!!


Ok, so snakes may not be very Christmassy but you could add a little ‘Middle Eastern’ theme where Lebanese food could be on the menu, but how about going that extra mile and hiring a ‘snake performer’ to really get that ‘Middle Eastern’ feel to your party.

We have only the best Snake Performers on our website advertised which is guaranteed to be extremely professional and of course ‘snake friendly’. 


Being a stilt walker is no mean feat, it takes many hours to perfect the art of walking for long periods of time, with their colourful costumes and amazing routines high up in the clouds at least you’ll never lose him!!

Dressed to impress your very own stilt walker would be just the thing to get your crowd talking, these Stilt walkers can be a feature at your Christmas event, mix and mingling, serving drink and just generally brightening up the atmosphere.


No Christmas party would be complete without a themed walkabout artist; this well be just the thing.  Father Christmas, elves, or snow queens or how about arranging a magical enchanting ice-queen themed party, where your themed walkabout artists are dressed from head to toe in white ice-like costumes.

From medieval artists, to around the world themed dress, your party will have that perfect atmosphere that you were hoping for when you book one or more of these themed walkabouts.